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Everyone leaves , Everyone forgets , Everyone dies , Everyone hates , Everyone loves .............. WE ARE THE MAIN SOURCE OF ALL OF THOSE FEELINGS

They do

But me


I can't hate , die , leave , or maybe love you

Don't get me wrong , with that I mean all of those feelings are new to me

I've never tried to love , to feel it , to be loved

But I can say some quotes about it even if I didn't try it

Read that
You wanna know who i'm in love with ? Read the first word again !

I tried hate actually I hate some people in my life and I wish that they all go out of that world and then I can be happy but , that feeling is bad I feel when I hate someone I feel i'm the bad guy not him/her I feel that feeling isn't created to be tried by me , it's like I am prevented from feeling it

But when I feel i'm being hated by somebody , I feel anger , sadness , lost , broken , it's like WHY THEY DO THAT

Check that : to all who hate you and me too
Hate is a weak emotion , A sign of failure

When I feel forgotten
Like no one notice me
I ..........

Maybe I should type what I feel

It's like
I'm walking in the street , in the rainy weather , letting the drops of the water touching my face relieving me , healing me actually , I look up at the sky and see how dark it is and then watching the lightning above it's like there is a world war three there , and hearing the sound of the thunder makes my body shiver , I keep walking and stare at the people's faces
Some are sad , some are happy , some are missing someone , some are normal maybe idk , someone are empty with that I mean , they are at the moment emotionless

I kept walking until I reached a high place it's like a hill

I walked until I reached the edge

I saw the waves crashing down there and hitting the rocks , like they wanna destroy them

I say to myself " why I can't just jump and die peacefully , no one will notice that i'm GONE "

But I take a step back and kept walking to the place I came from with tears on my face making my sight blurry

This is how I feel or maybe YOU feel

If they gone form your life , don't give up , you and me also will find a new ones

Don't lose hope

The writer . M

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