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Have you thought about your ending ? How it would be ? Where ? When ? By whom ? There will be pain or not ? Dying peacefully or with violence ? Maybe will everyone gonna MISS ME ?

Yeah I know u all asking those questions even me EVERY SINGLE SECOND

Well death maybe a beginning

Or ending

But believe me death is a beginning - mom always told me that
Mom always told me death is " your soul just leave your body and it flies in the air freely and you can see the people you love from above but you can't touch them or speak to them cause they won't hear you or notice you - she always said don't cry over someone's death cause you are just crying for his body that body who will be eaten by insects but the pure soul will be free above "

Death can be hurting

Death is like saying goodbye to the whole world down there

Have you thought about living forever " Eternity " ?

Yeah you have and me too

But eternity is such a LONG TIME you will live it all alone after the people u love die and leave you

I know death can be scary

But death can be more comfortable than you think

Some of you thought about death just because they had a bad mood or SO MANY PROBLEMS that they can't handle anymore but death may not be the only way to solve them think about facing them and if you can't just believe that everything will be okay at the end

Commit suicide

Well the word above ⇧ seems scary but beautiful for some people

Commit suicide has a lot of shapes but I don't want to say them cause everyone knows them

But that way of being dead is NOT a solution

I know death is our last solution to end everything if we couldn't anymore but think before it a little just a little as you know " there is always a light at the end of the darkness "

The writer . M

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