Chapter 3

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He found this new band while he was in Australia earlier this year and had told his bosses all about them. His bosses fell in love with the band and were convinced that they were the next big thing.

I remember dad telling me about them, he was so excited that he had found this band. Apparently they were creating quite a buzz in his management.

"I've definitely found something special Aly, I just know it. These boys are gonna be huge." I remember him saying to me. I just simply smiled at him, not thinking anything of it.

Little did I know how much this band was going to affect my life. Or should I say tear it apart?

My dad's bosses knew that he had been wanting to get into managing for a while now so they offered him the job of managing this band. My Dad was delighted, this was what he'd been waiting for. A dream come true. Apart from there was a catch. He had to move to Australia.


"Ok, so I have some pretty big news." My dad begins talking to us as we sit in the living room wondering why he had called us all together.

"I've been offered a promotion."

"A promotion? Stephen that's fantastic!" My mum says with excitement cutting him off before he can explain further.

"Yeah Dad, well done!" I congratulate him.

"Yeah it is a great opportunity." My dad honestly replies. "It's a managing job for this new band I discovered, I knew I'd found something when I found these boys."

Wait, I remember him telling me about a band he'd discovered. But.. no.. it can't be that band he's talking about, can it?

"Oh congratulations!" My mum beams and steps up to hug him.

He puts his arms around her but doesn't quite hug her back.

"Yeah, darling, it is, it really is. But there's more." He continues.

Oh no.

My mum steps back and sits back down on to the sofa next to me.

After trying to begin a sentence several times he sighs and says

"Long story short, to get the job I, or we, need to move to Australia."

I don't say anything. I am stunned.

I look over to see my mums smile quickly drop.

"A..Australia?" She questions as if she didn't hear him properly. Or at least she was just hoping that she heard him wrong.

Dad nods, waiting for her reaction.

"You mean Australia as in the country on the other side of the world Australia?!" Mum says starting to raise her voice in disbelief.

I start to get uncomfortable as I can tell an argument is about to happen. My mum and dad have always bickered, but I have a feeling this is going to be a bigger argument than just everyday bickering.

I don't say anything. I can't. I try to find some words but nothing will come out. I am speechless.

"I know this is a lot to ask, but I want this job so badly. I don't think an opportunity like this will come about again. And I know these boys have got it in them to be the next big band."

"And what if I don't want to move to Australia?" My mum says in a petty way but it is taken more seriously than she meant.

"Then I guess I'm going to Australia by myself." My dad says calmly, almost as if he had already made this decision before he had this conversation.

"Alexa go to your room." Mum orders.

"But mum don't I-"

"Now." Mum demands cutting me off, gritting her teeth.

I look at my Dad, not knowing what to say. I just simply look at him through my teared up eyes.

"Alexa!.. Alexa!" I hear my dad calling after me as I run up to my room. I can't take this, I feel like I'm going to explode.

I jump on my bed and face the wall curled up, letting tears stream down my cheeks. Would dad really leave without us? I don't want him to leave. He can't.

*Flashback ends*

In just a few minutes my whole world suddenly came crashing down around me. That was the day that it was decided that I would live with my Mum, and my Dad would live on the other side of the world. Dad left that night, and that was the last time I saw and spoke to him.

I sigh as I feel the familiar ache in my chest come back.

I'm sick of living in a broken home. I'm sick of crying. I'm sick of seeing my mum drinking. I just want him back. At home, with us, where he belongs. I want Dad and Mum to stop their divorce. I want my parents back together.

I wish my dad never found that stupid band in Australia. I hate them. They stole my Dad. They tore my family apart. They ruined my life.

I can't help but allow the tears to fall down my face.

Just at that moment my phone starts ringing. I pull my phone out of my pocket and look down at the screen. I don't recognise the number.

"Hello?" I answer with a shaky voice.

I cough to clear my throat and get my voice back to normal.

"Hello, is this Alexa Taylor?" An unfamiliar women's voice answers.

"Erm, yes, who is this?" I ask.

"Hi Alexa. My name is Anna, I'm a nurse at St. Paul's Hospital. I'm afraid your mother has been brought in after being involved in a car accident."

My heart stops and I freeze for a moment as my worst fear suddenly come to reality.

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