Chapter 24

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It is now Tuesday and here I am sat with a small suitcase packed ready to travel back to the UK. By the time we get there it will be Wednesday night. 

Much to my relief, Mum ended up staying in the spare room. I know I should be there for her right now but I just can't bring myself to forget everything that's happened. Grandad was her Dad, she must be upset, but I just can't be the person she needs me to be right now. I think I've finally crashed. It's taken a while but I don't even feel like crying anymore, I just feel numb. I feel nothing, like the world is going on around me but I stay still.

I haven't seen Ashton since he dropped me off that day. He's tried to text me but I didn't answer, I just can't deal with any emotions that I may be feeling towards him right now. Plus, I need to protect myself. I can't get too attached to him, it won't end well.

"Alexa it's time to go" My Dad calls from downstairs.

I get my stuff and make my way down. There is a taxi waiting outside to take us to the airport.

It takes about an hour to get to the airport, I just sit in the back with my earphones in the whole time.

I even keep my earphones in when going through security, the awkwardness between my Mum and Dad is almost unbearable. I just want this to be over as soon as possible.

The whole time i'm going through security I just can't help but wonder where Ashton and the boys are. I thought about asking Dad if they're meeting us on the plane but I've barely spoken a word in two days, i'm not in the mood for casual conversation.

We end up sitting down, Dad gets me a latte and my Mum a coffee. They make simple conversation and try to be civil with each other and I sit listening to All Time Low, secretly hoping to see a 6ft, floppy haired guy pop up any moment.

Half an hour goes by and still no sign of the band. Maybe they're getting a different flight. I see Dad check his watch and look around the airport, maybe he's looking for them.

After a while Dad stands up, followed by Mum, and I take it that's my cue to get up and go to board the airplane. 

I give a flight attendant my ticket and passport, once she accepts them, I look behind me quickly. We're the last one's in the queue and the band still isn't here. 

Just as I turn around I hear a guy shout "HEY HOLD THE DOOR PLEASE MISS"

I turn around and it's Ashton, followed by Calum, Michael and Luke all running up behind him, clumsily trying to carry their hand luggage without dropping it. 

My heart warms at the sight of them and I let out a giggle.

Ashton comes through the gate first and stands next to me. His hazel eyes shining.

"I can't believe we just almost missed this plane, Mr. Taylor must be angry." Ashton says out of breath.

"I wouldn't know, I mean I saw him looking around for someone so i'm guessing that he was looking for you guys."

"Hey Alexa." The rest of the boys all say almost in unison. 

"Hey guys." I say quietly. It feels weird talking again, i've been pretty much silent for days.

"We're really sorry about your Grandad." Luke says. He holds his arms out, coming in for a hug. It takes me by surprise but I wrap my arms around him in return. It's so sweet to know that someone cares. 

All of a sudden I feel more arms wrapped around me. I look and see that I now have all 4 boys hugging me. 

"Aw isn't this cute." Michael says.

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