Chapter 2

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Kirstie's POV

"Kirstin Maldonado, your mother is here to pick you up" the office secretary said. I quickly packed my bags. Why would she be here? Why now? She never takes me out of school early unless it's an emergency. What could it possibly be?

"Hi honey"

"Hi mom. Why are you here?"

"That's a nice way to greet your mother"

"Sorry. It's third period on the first day of school"

"Right. I just needed to talk to you"

"About what"

"Your grandmother"


"She's not doing to well, the doctors can't figure out what it is. They don't know how much longer she has. Honey I'm sorry" her phone rang "oh it's the doctor. I need to take this. Hello...yes it is...oh...okay...thank you...alright...bye. She's gone, I'm sorry honey." I started crying. My mom's mother died before I was born and she was the only grandmother I had. "Do you want to come home?"

I shook my head. Slowly I grabbed my things and walked back to class. I cried the whole way. My only grandmother was gone. I was so close with her.

I walked into my classroom, tears rolling down my face.

"Kirstie!!" Scott and Mitch exclaimed wrapping me in a hug. I completely fell apart and started sobbing. My makeup was running down my face.

"Kirstie honey, what happened."

"My grandmother" I started to cry again into Mitch's shoulder "she-she" I couldn't even form words I was so upset "died"

"Oh honey" Mitch hugged me tightly. Let's go to the lockers and I'll clean you up.

Jeremy's POV

Kirstie's so pretty and I hate to see her upset. I think I might have a crush on her. I'm trying to be friends with her, but her friends are so close to her that it's kind of hard.

Kirstie's POV

"There we go, your makeup is fixed and we didn't even miss lunch!" Mitch said as he finished my makeup.

"Thank you so much"

"No problem. Scott, Avi, and Kevin are probably waiting for us"

"Yeah, it'll be nice to have lunch with Kevin and Avi. I missed that last year"

"Yeah" he looked down at his phone "Scott already told them about what happened so they don't bring it up. Let's hurry"

We arrived at lunch and I couldn't be happier to sit with all my friends. I got hugs from Kevin and Avi and sat.

"Wow we're all together again, it feels pretty great"

"Yeah," I could tell they were uncomfortable

"Hey, just because I'm suffering a loss, doesn't mean I don't want to talk. Honestly I want to go back to the way things were two years ago where we would talk for hours and it felt normal"


I looked around and spotted Jeremy.

"Jeremy!! Over here!!" I called him over.


"Guys this is Jeremy, I met him on the bus this morning and he is in my home room"

"Hi" everyone said

"Jeremy, sit next to me" I moved over so there was room for him.


"No problem"

"Hey, if you need anything I'm here. Okay"

"Thanks, that means a lot" I hugged him. I could see Mitch looking at me in a way that I just can't explain.

My phone buzzed and it was a text from Mitch.

Mitch: he totally likes you

Kirstie: sure

Mitch: he seriously does. Do you?

Kirstie: Maybe

Mitch: girllll

I saw he was showing Scott. Scott looked over at me and gave me a nod of approval. I rolled my eyes, they do this all the time. Sometimes it's annoying but they're my best friends and I love them.


The funeral was beautiful. It was everything grandma would have wanted. I would know, I knew her better than everyone. Well everyone except dad, he knew her best. I did all the planning for it, he didn't help, or move. I wish he would've helped, but he just lost his mother, which must've been hard for him.

Mitch, Scott, Kevin, Avi, and Jeremy came. They are the nicest people I know. I know that it's probably hard for Jeremy being new, making a few friends and trying to be there for them when he doesn't know us very well yet. I'm happy they all came, it really means a lot.

"Honey, your father and I are heading home. Do you want to come, or are you going to walk?" My mother asked snapping me out of my thoughts as I was cleaning up.

"I'm going to stay here and finish up, so I'll walk home later"

"Okay see you then"


I walked up to the porch to see my mother sitting on the rocking chair crying. I walked over and sat next to her.

"Mom, what happened?"

"I left, for 10 minutes. Just to get groceries" she started to say her voice shaking "and when I came back he was gone his car was too. He left this for us" she handed me a note.

My lovely ladies,
You are both wonderful and I love you very much. I just can't be with you now, I don't know where I'm going or when I'm coming back, but I want you to know its for the best. Now you may be sad and angry and hate me, but trust me. I can't tell you why I've left or where I'm going, but I'm doing it because I love you. I promise to come back one day in the future. For now goodbye my lovely ladies.

I stared at the note in disbelief, he was gone, and this time I don't know when he's coming back.

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