Chapter 10

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Kirstie's POV

Jeremy and I had been on a bunch of amazing dates and each one of them got better and better.

"I can't believe I'm going to Paris tomorrow" I said as we sat on the beach staring up at the sky.

"Me too. I'm going to miss you"

"I'm going to miss you too"

"Kirstie, can I ask you something?"

"Of course"

"Kristin Taylor Maldonado, will you do me the honor and let me call you my girlfriend?"

"Only if I can call you my boyfriend" We both leaned into a passionate kiss. "I wish you could come to France with me"

"Me too, but you need to spend time with your father and stepmom"

"She's not my stepmom yet. I promise I'll call or text you everyday and keep you updated with my life"

"I'll do the same"

"I have to go," I sighed. I really didn't want to leave the beautiful beach and my beautiful boyfriend.

"Right. You have to get up pretty early. Text me whenever, I'll always answer"

"Okay" we got in his car and he drove me home.


"Promise you'll call me everyday" my mom said "I'm going to miss you so much" she pulled me into a hug and I could tell she was crying.

"I will mama, I promise" I started crying too "I'm really gonna miss you mama"

"Last call for flight 1023 to Paris, France"

"I guess I have to go"

"By sweetie. Your father will pick you up from the airport"


I got off the plane and found my way to the baggage claim. While waiting for my bag I sent Jeremy and my mom a text to let them know I landed safely. I looked around for my dad, but I couldn't find him.

"Kirstie!" I heard someone yell as I heard someone running towards me. I looked up to see Anne. "Kirstie, it's so nice to finally meet you. You're all your father talks about. He's going to be so happy you came for break!"

"So you're Anne. Nice to meet you. I don't mean to be rude but, my mom told me he was picking me up"

"Oh, I was too eager to meet you, so he let me come" we grabbed my bag and went to her car. She put my bag in the trunk and got in the drivers seat and I sat in the passenger seat. "So how was your flight?"

"Long." My phone started buzzing "do you mind if I answer this, it's my boyfriend"

"Go ahead"

"Hi!" I answered

"Are you in the car with your dad"


"Why not"

"He didn't pick me up"

"Oh. How was the flight"

"I was bored for most of it. It was so long. I wish you were there"

"Me too. But it's only a week, and we can face time"

"True. Have Mitch and Scott gone crazy without me yet?"

"Not yet. I'm gonna hang out with them tomorrow"

"Ooh fun! You can tell them about us, I haven't told them yet"

"I will! I have to go, it's pretty late here"

"Okay. I'll talk to you tomorrow. I love you"

"I love you too" I hung up and stared at my lock screen, which was a picture of us from our date last night.

"How long have you been dating?" Anne asked

"We've been on a bunch of dates, but we just made it official last night"

"Wow, you move pretty fast don't you. How long have you been dating unofficially?"

"A few months. Everyone saw this coming. I guess he didn't want me to be like my dad and go to another country and find a guy"

"Yeah." The rest of the ride was pretty quiet besides the radio which I barely understood. "We're here" she said as she pulled into the driveway. We got out of the car and I saw my father and two boys standing waiting to us.

"Papa!" I yelled running to him. He picked me up and spun me around like I was 5 again.

"Hi baby girl, got a boyfriend yet?"

"Yes actually"



"Who's that"

"The new kid"

"Oh. I was so sure you'd end up with Scott or Mitch."

"They're both gay papa, they're together. Mitchie is just my best friend. He knows absolutely everything"

"Okay. This is Nathan and Leo" Nathan was slightly taller than Leo and they both looked around my age. "Nathan is 16 and Leo is 14. Boys, please bring her bags to the guest room" the boys obeyed grabbing my stuff and heading inside. "Welcome to your new home. We planned the wedding during your spring break so you can come. We have a dress fitting for you. We guessed your size and hopefully we were right"

"You are going to be a bridesmaid!" Anne yelled excitedly

"You can bring your boyfriend too. I'll send you his plane ticket. Now let's go in and let us show you your room"

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