Chapter 4

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Kirstie's POV

I sat in my room and quickly did my homework. After I finished my homework I lied on my bed and thought about the recent life changing events. Grandma, dead. Dad, gone. It's gonna take some getting used to. I don't want to sit on my bed and cry about it. I know there is nothing I can do about, but there should be something I can do for myself. Something to help me get used to it. It's good to cry and be upset but not forever. I'll eventually get used to it. One day it won't be something that will make me upset, it will be something that shows me how strong I really am and how strong I can be.

My thoughts were interrupted when I got a phone call from Mitch.

"Hi" I answered trying to sound calm

"Hi" he responded

"What's up?"

"I was just wondering what you were trying to tell me earlier today. All you said was 'he's gone' "

"My father" I felt a tear roll down my cheek "he's gone" I started uncontrollably crying

"Oh sweetheart. This isn't ice cream and sad movies can help is it?"

"It may help. Can you sleep over?"

"Anything for you. I'll be there in 20"

"Thank you"

"No problem"

In exactly 20 minutes the door bell rang.

"Honey do you know who it is?" My mom called

"It's Mitch. Do you mind if he sleeps over?"

"Anything for you"

I opened the door to see him with 2 huge tubs of ice cream, 2 spoons, and maybe 5 or 10 movies.

"Girls Night!" He said as he walked in

"Thank you so much. I really need a girls night right now"

"Honey, I'll do absolutely anything for you. Have you told the others about it?"

"No. It's really hard to tell people about it"

"I bet. Who have you told"

"You and Jeremy"

"Why Jeremy"

"I-I don't know. When I found out I decided to call someone and I picked up my phone and called him. I don't know why"

"Well I'm glad you told me. How many should we watch?"

"As many as we can"

"Let's get started"

About 2 and 1/2 movies in Mitch and I both fell asleep. We both finished our tubs of ice cream. Every time someone breaks up with me within 20 minutes Mitch is at my house with ice cream and movies. It's become a tradition. It normally helps and in some cases "fixes" it. Mitch coming over tonight really helped. As much as I wish thing would go back to normal I have to deal with the fact that a home with both of my parents is no longer normal. Seeing my dad is no longer normal. There is a new normal. That new normal is just me and my mom. It will take some getting used to, but I will get used to it. Eventually I'll be able to tell everyone and maybe one day my father could return. Maybe he'll send me post cards along his journey or he will never speak to me again.


Mitch and I spent all of Saturday finishing the rest of the movies. The last one ended and we got up to get dinner from the kitchen and there was a letter for me. I picked it up and it had a lot of writing on it.

Kirstin, I hope you and your mother are doing well. I don't have much with me at the moment, but I'm living on what I've got. I will send you letters at every stop of my journey explaining to you the events since the last time I wrote you. Please keep all these letter so you can keep up with my journeys, and if I come back (which I will eventually) you will have my diary so I don't loose it. I am also doing it so you don't feel unattached to me or feel as if I am really gone. The reason I left was from the stress of having to take care of you and your mom while dealing with the pain of the death of your grandmother. It was all my choice and had nothing to do with you. I've been driving for a few hours now and not much has happened. I' promise to keep you updated and talk to you soon.

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