Chapter 5

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Kirstie's POV

Did he really send me that. Does he know how him leaving hurt my mother and I? Does he even care? No obviously he doesn't care about us. If he cared he wouldn't have left us.

"Why is he so selfish?" I said in aggravation.

"Who?" Mitch asked. I totally forgot he was here while I had read the letter. I passed the letter to him as I started crying.

"He goes without warning. A few weeks or a month later he is back. He's been doing this since I was born. When I was born he thought he wouldn't be able to handle it and left, after a week realized how stupid he was being and came back. He did it again when I was 5 expect for 2 weeks. I got a few letter about his journeys. He always sends the letters. It helps him believe he is still a part of my life when really, he isn't anymore. And when he comes back, that's the worst part, he becomes an active part in our lives and acts like nothing happened"

"Wow Kirst, I had no idea"

"I've never told anyone"






We sat in silence as we watched the next movies and ate. I could tell Mitch wasn't exactly paying attention to the movie. I get it. What I told him was really shocking. I've known him for, well a long time, and never had mentioned it before. When we hung out, my dad would've been at work anyway so it never occurred to him that it was even a possibility.


"You're a really good actress," Mitch said as he left "you should try out for the school play"

"Mitch, that's really sweet, but I'm not sure that I should"

"Honey, you're FABULOUS! You've been acting at school your whole life. I would've never known something was wrong, when your father left. Plus, you have an amazing voice. And guess who's also trying out?"


"No. I'm doing behind the scenes stuff"

"Then who?"



"Wait, I thought you liked him"

"I do. It's just, it just may be to much right now, with my father and all"

"Oh. I get it. I thought it might help you focus on something other than your father"

"Yeah. Maybe I will try out"

"I'll see you in school tomorrow?"

"Yeah. See you tomorrow"

"Alright. Get some sleep"


I went upstairs and flopped on my bed and stared at my ceiling. Before I knew it, I was out cold in the deepest sleep I could possibly imagine.


"Honey, you need to get up" my mom said as she tried to wake me up

"Noo" I groaned

"You don't want to be late to school sweetie"

I pulled myself out of bed and started to get dressed. Then I went into my bathroom and finished getting ready. I ran downstairs and grabbed my breakfast before heading out the door. I got to the bus stop just as the bus was leaving the stop and of course I missed it.

"Not again" I said quietly to myself before starting to walk to school.

I slowly started walking to school when a car pulled up next to me. The window slowly rolled down and it was Jeremy and his mother.

"Hey do you need a ride?" He asked

"Thanks, but I don't mind walking" I really wanted to just get in that car but I felt like it wouldn't end well.

"You'll be late if you walk. Get in"

"It's fine, I really don't mind walking" it started to pour just as I said that.

"Come on Kirst, your gonna get soaked. I care too much about you to let you walk to school"

"It fine, really. The rain feels nice"

"Please, just get in"

"Fine" I got in the car and we drove to school.

When we arrived at school I quickly went to my locker before heading to my first period class. Today I had math first. I walked into class wet and cold. I had to walk completely across campus and through the pouring rain. I got inside and the air conditioning had to be on full blast. I sat at the back of the classroom. I wasn't feeling great. I had been having an off day and definitely didn't feel like myself. It was unusual, but I tried to ignore it.

I got up to leave the class to head to second period English when my teacher pulled me aside.

"Kirstin, are you feeling okay?" She asked

"Yeah. I'm just having an off day"

"Honey do me a favor and head down to the nurse's office. I'll send them an email. Just tell them I sent you"


I slowly walked down to the nurse's office. I didn't really want to go but Mrs. S asked me to and you can't really say no to a teacher.

I walked into the nurse's office and there was a younger looking woman sitting at the desk.

"Name?" She asked

"Kirstin Maldonado"

"Why are you here?"

"Mrs. S sent me"

"Okay. Head to room 1 please"

I walked into room one and there was another woman, a little bit older, standing in the room.

"Kirstin?" She asked


"Mrs. S said she didn't think you looked too good"

"I'm just having an off day"

"She wanted me to make sure everything was okay. So I'm just going to do a bit of a check up"


"I'm going to take your temperature first okay" she took a thermometer and took my temperature "101 honey. I think it's best that I send you home. I'll have Darcey email the office. Do you want me to call a parent?"

"I can walk home"

"Honey I don't think that's the brightest idea. It's pouring"

"Yeah, but my mom is kinda going through something at the moment. I have an umbrella, I'll just use that"

"Please let me call your mother"


She picked up the phone and dialed the number.

"Hello this is Stacy from the nurse's office at Kirstin's school. She was sent by her teacher and isn't doing to well she has a fever and I think it's best that she goes home and I don't feel comfortable having her walk in the rain...she did say she was having an off are on your way?...great...see you soon...bye"

I sat down and waited to get picked up. I decided to text Mitch and ask him to bring my work.

Kirst: hey Mitch leaving school soon, kinda sick. can you please bring me my work tonight? thanks

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