Apologies, or something else?

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Once we got home, Judy instantly began trying to make me feel better. She was hugging me and saying things to try to calm me down. "I-I was j-just trying t-to help." I cried. She rubbed my back. "I know, he just lashed out at you for no reason. That's why I punched him." She said like she did nothing wrong. I chuckle. I sniff and hug her. "You're such a good f-friend." I mumble. "You're pretty much a sister to me!" She says laughing. I sniff again. There was a knock at the door. Judy got up and I wiped some of my tears. Suddenly I'm engulfed in a hug. "Hey Cotton, heard what happened." Nick said. I just simply nod. He pulls away. He suddenly lights up. "How about we go get ice cream! My treat! Now come on you don't have a choice." He says pushing all of us into his car. "Nick! My crutches!" I say laughing slightly. He runs into the house and comes back with my crutches. He gives them to me and runs to the drivers side. Once in, he starts the car. Soon enough I find myself in front of the ice cream shop. " Double chocolate for ALL three of us please!" Nick says. The bear at the counter nodded and went to fill our order. Our order came and we all sat down and started eating. "Isn't this just cool?" Nick jokes. We all laugh. Man, can these guys make me feel batter. The bell on the door rings and I look over. Ugh, it's Gideon. Luckily he doesn't see me yet. I quiet down. "What's wrong Cotton?" Judy asks. "Gideon's here" I say quietly. I can hear Nick growl, and Judy does the same. I keep my head down as we continue eating our ice cream. Once finished, Judy leaves a tip, and we all get up to leave. I thought I did well, apparently not too well. "Cotton!".

(Okay so there is going to be a part two)

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