Leaving and now bored

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Sadly, Eliz had to go back home, and I of course was upset. I hugged her good-bye. "Hey, i'll see you again at Christmas okay?" She said. I laugh, "Of course silly, Christmas is the time to spend with family!". Judy said bye too. Too bad Nick wasn't here, he went off somewhere to do who knows what. Gideon was working at his shop, which was now completely open. Eliz walks towards he car which magically appeared, got in, and drove off. Now, awkward silence had filled the room. With nothing to do, and nothing to talk about, Judy went to her room, and I went to the couch, to sleep. This was gonna be a boring day for sure


Heya guys, haven't hear of me in a while, sorry for that! See ya'll in the next chapter

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