Just another day at work...

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A hoard of paperwork is what you could call Kageyama Tobio's office. Some preferred to call it a treasure trove of paperwork, but in reality, Kageyama disliked both. After all, they both implied that he was voluntarily keeping the humongous amount of paper inside his office - which couldn't be further from the truth.

Kageyama never really he wanted to work in an office. Back in high school he had dreams of being a professional volleyball player; he could still recall the excitement that filled his body every time he touched the volleyball,  the harsh biterness of a missed receive, the unmeasureable joy of a point scored. He smiled nostalgically at the memory, wishing he could turn back time and just play, play, play...

His mother never liked volleyball. She said it was a stupid sport for stupid people. It was her that made him quit the club when he was a second year. She made him go. She made Kageyama leave him, the bright light in Kageyama's life, the little ball of sunshine with unmeasurable energy and the most adorable smile.

Kageyama suspected it was partially out of spite - his mother had never been a particularly passionate woman, without a hobby of her own or a lover she could devote her time to. For her, there was just work. She didn't show much interest in his father either; she was cold, through and through. Slowly, manipulatively, she had forced her own ambitions onto him: the dream she could never realise, the job she never got, the life she never had.

That's why he was stuck here, Kageyama thought to himself, in this dull boring office block surrounded by dull boring people, doing dull boring paperwork. If only he had the strength to stand up to her,  maybe things wouldn't have turned out this way, although deep down, Kageyama knew there was no way in the world he could have stood up to his tyranical mother at 16.

He still couldn't at 24.

"Kageyama san! There's someone here to see you!" A cheeful figure burst through the door, making Kageyama jump in surprise.


The assistant sighed deeply before fixing Kageyama with a steely look.
"This is why you have so much paperwork." she said, her voice stern, almost as if she was chastising a child.

"What on earth do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean. You were daydreaming again, weren't you?"

Kageyama blushed, his checks the colour of cherry blossoms, averting his gaze towards the ground.

"I-I was not."

The assistant laughed, and Kageyama looked at her questioningly. Her name was Tachibana Mei and she worked as a general assistant to everyone on the third floor, those who had offices. Today she was wearing a black pleated skirt which was just a little too short than the regulations allowed; not that the seniors were complaining. Her tie was red and black, the company colours, and her white shirt  perfectly accentuated her well endowed figure, to the point where Kageyama forced himself to look away out of embarrassment.

"As I said before, there's someone here to see you." She flicked a blonde lock back, exposing the bright red bauble that hung from her ear.

'That's right!' Kageyama thought to himself, "It's nearly Christmas!"

"It's not another member of managment is it?" Kageyama asked, trying his utmost not to sound bored; Mei's smirk showed otherwise.

"You'll be glad to hear it's not--"

"Is it a client then? Come to ask about some obscure policy nobody gives a shit about?"

Mei noticed the irritation in his voice. It had appeared more and more in the last couple of months, and frankly, she was concerned.

"No actually. It's someone who claims to know you very well--"

"Is it mother?"



"He, umm, he says you went to high school together.".

"Oh yeah?" There was the slightest hint of interest in his voice. "Did he say what his name was?"

"Shouyou. Hinata Shouyou."

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