The visitor

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Kageyama practically jumped out of his seat when he heard Tachibana say that person's name.

"Shouyou?! Shouyou's here?!"

Kageyama's imagination was running wild. Why is he here? After all these years? Don't tell me he still... Of course he doesn't you idiot! He's just dropped in to say hi! He probably has a girlfriend or something now. Heck, he could even be married!

Kageyama shook his head. He had to calm down. He had to be cool. Be professional about this. But he knew there was nothing professional about his heart wanting to jump out of his chest, nothing professional about the sudden feeling of desire and longing, nothing professional about the hundreds upon hundreds of butterflies fluttering in his stomach, as if they had all awakened from their cocoons at the exact moment he had heard his name...

"Kageyama san? Are you alright? Do you want me to send him out or--"

"NO!" Tobio's loud voice surprised even himself, as he struggled to compose himself and hide the red blush he knew was spreading over his face. He cleared his throat and started again.

"No... Please, please send him in Tachibana san."

"Are you sure? You look kind of... Ruffled, you know? Shaken." A worried frown crept upon the assistant's pale face as she analysed the panicking man in front of her.

"No. I mean, yes! Send... Send him in for me." Idiot. Get your act together. At this rate you're going to fall apart before you even see him.

"If that's what you wish." Tachibana bowed her head slightly as a sign of respect and headed for the reception, gently closing the office door on the trembling man within. Her high heels clicked as she strode purposefully across the hallway, ignoring the leering looks she received from her male coworkers. What about that man could have possibly flustered Kageyama? The question replayed in her mind again and again. In the two years she'd known him, he was always calm and collected. Sure, he was a dreamer, but she'd never seen him quite so startled before - much less at the mention of some person's name. To consider was also the fact that Kageyama had called the visitor by his first name, so obviously he knew him on a personal level...

She quickly snapped out of her daydream and instead focused on finding the man who was causing Kageyama so much distress in the chaos of the lobby. What did he look like again? Bright orange hair, as if his head itself was on fire; pretty short for a guy--

"Ah Assistant san! You're back! I was wondering if you'd forgotten about me." The voice came from behind her, and she spun on her heel to see who it belonged to.

Found him.

"Hinata san... Was it? Please come this way. Kageyama san will see you now."
And so Tachibana Mei started down the corridor leading to the elevator, followed by an energetic 24 year old shorter than your average high school kid...

What on earth about this guy is making Kageyama nervous?

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