Balcony scene?!

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The evening passed as loudly and as cheerfully as it had started, to the point where other customers and several waiters were glaring at the table of young men, who never noticed a thing. They talked about their jobs, politics (very shortly, and only by Tsukishima), TV shows and of course, volleyball.

Whenever the almost sacred word was said, a flame of passion was lit inside each of the young men's hearts, and their eyes seemed to shine brightly with excitement as they recounted their tales of playing the sport. It was clear that they all missed playing as a team; together on the floodlit court in squeaky shoes, jumping and blocking and receiving and setting and spiking in tune, against a wondrously strong opponent, their heads thumping, hearts pumping, eyes wild and dancing.

"Umm... I uh... I think I need some fresh air. I'll be back soon." Kageyama shakely excused himself and headed towards the outside balcony.

Daichi nodded in approval. "It is pretty hot in here... Hey Hinata, you look like you're suffocating! You better go outside as well!"

"Uh no I'm fine I..." Hinata started but Daichi's expression was crystal clear. No matter their age, the flame haired one still felt a sense of authority from the older male, so he quickly followed Tobio's lead to the balcony.

"If you're trying to set them up at least be less obvious about it. Jeez." Tsukishima remarked, sighing slightly.

"It's fine! Those two are totally about this sort of thing, after all. And besides, Tsukki"  Daichi put a large emphasis on his nickname, which made Kei squirm slightly in his seat while Yamaguchi looked on, smirking, "If not for a little setting up, you and Yamaguchi wouldn't have gotten together."

This made the blonde squirm even more, and a gentle pink blush crept up to his checks.

"Whatever." He snootily dismissed Daichi's comment, only to be taunted by the remaining members of the table.

Meanwhile, on the restaurant balcony, Kageyama and Hinata were standing next to each other in complete silence. Nothing seperated them, nothing stopped their arms, resting on the hand rail, from touching each other and yet, an invisible wall stood between them, unseen but menacing all the same.

It was Kageyama who broke the silence.

"So uh... How's your girlfriend?" It was the thing the dark haired make wanted to think least about, but it was the only thing that he could think of. "You... Haven't mentioned her so far this evening. Did something happ--"

"Girlfriend? Wh-what do you mean Kageyama?" Hinata's face exploded red, as much from the cold of the harsh December night as from embarrassment.

"W-well you said you were seeing someone... You know when you came to see me... In my office..." Kageyama couldn't help but look away, into the distance, observing the Tokyo skyline, halfhearteadly watching the little blinking lights that illuminated tte city.

"I... did..?"

Tobio couldn't belive it. Did he hear uncertainty in Hinata's voice? Did that mean he wasn't dating anyone at all? Or did it mean he was...

"Oh I get it..."

"You do?!"

"You have a..." Kageyama hesitated before saying the word. "... A boyfriend." It felt so strange for him to say the word. In the past he had been Hinata's boyfriend and it was hard to imagine that someone else had now filled the role in the years he hadn't seen Hinata.

But the orange haired man didn't answer. He remained silent, blushing furiously, eyes cast down low and with, what looked like to Kageyama, tears threatening to overflow.

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