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5:58pm - Hinata was right on time as he entered the restaurant, breathing a small sigh in response to the warm atmosphere inside; a stark contrast to the freezing cold weather and the snow that rained down from the sky relentlessly. He looked around the tables and quickly spotted Sugawara and Daichi at the far end of a 12 seater table, accompanied by Narita, Ennoshita, Nishinoya, Asahi and Kinoshita.

"Hey guys!!"

"HINATAAAA!!!" A familiar shout met Hinata's ears just as the small former libero bounded up to him, eyes bright and lively, closely followed by the gentle giant named Asahi Azumane. Nishinoya still had several bright  locks at the front, standing out against the rest of his dark brown hair, and had retained his small figure. Asahi still wore that sheepish grin of his, but his hair had grown significantly and was now tied up in an impressive bun at the back. Even more muscular than he had been in high school, he looked every bit the ace now.

"Nishinoya senpai! Asahi senpai! How've you been?" Azumane still towered over both Yū and Shouyou, and was now using that height to police the streets of Hõkaido, where he and Nishinoya now lived.

"Good, good!" The pair gave each other a smile and then turned towards Hinata. "We found a really cool place in the city centre! It's got giant windows and a great view and, best of all, a super cheap rent! You should come visit sometime Hina!"

The chatter continued as Tanaka arrived, 5 minutes after the arranged time, and then as Yamaguchi and Tsukishima arrived, holding hands - in their "own time" as Kei explained it, until it was half past 6.

"When... When do you reckon Kageyama's going to get here?" Hinata asked nervously, fidgeting and wriggling in his chair. Sugawara has explained the situation to every team member, to avoid any potentially disastrous comments or questions, but so far his efforts had gone to waste as the man in question was not present.

"He's probably caught up in traffic or something. He'll come Hinata, don't worry! After all, he's totally smitten with you!" Kõshi encouraged, nudging the spiker as he did, trying to put a smile on his worried little face.

"Yeah right. He's probably forgotten anyway. After all, he's a buisnessman, right? They always look down at everyone else." Tsukishima's words were out of his mouth faster than Yamaguchi could elbow him.

"Tsukki! Don't say things like that!" Tadashi scolded the blonde haired man sitting to his right, hitting him gently on the forehead. Yamaguchi himself hadn't changed much, his hair still poked up like an antennae in the middle of his head, no matter how much hair gel he put on it. His freckles were still prominent on his cheeks and they still - as Kei often reminded him - looked like stars. Tsukishima had changed his glasses but he still sneered down at everyone from behind them, and his sarcasm and harsh tongue knew no bounds, amounting to a great number of scolds from Tadashi.

"And besides, Tsukki," Yamaguchi started, "you're also a buisnessman."

The table erupted into chuckles and laughter as Kei turned a bright pink, leaving Yamaguchi glowing with pride that he had so triumphantly humiliated his partner.

The door to the restaurant opened and closed and the sound of footsteps got louder and louder as a certain someone approached the table where the former Karasuno volleyball team sat.

"H-hello everyone. I... I'm sorry I'm late. The trains were d-delayed and then a station was closed and I had to t-take a detour and then--"



"Kageyama kun!"


"You made it!!"


"Long time no see Kageyama!"



"Good to see you again!"

"Kageyama! You were making Hinata here all worried! We weren't sure if you were coming or not!"

Shouyou was... Worried? About me?!

Kageyama looked over the table until he found the orange haired individual he was looking for. The butterflies in his stomach fluttered and soared, but he tried to ignore them even as a small blush crept onto his face.

"H-Hinata... I'm sorry for not being clear last time. I was... Uh..."

"It's fine. I understand. It's... It's nice to see you again... Kageyama." Hinata smiled brightly at the jet black haired male as Tobio's blush intensified.

He barely got a chance to sit down at the only available seat, on the left of Shouyou, before Daichi was standing up and clinking a glass.

"Alright guys! Now that everyone is here, I call for a toast! A toast to the reunion of the Karasuno Highschool Volleyball Team! A toast to the Karasuno Crows! To the best team in Japan!"

Everyone picked up the small glasses in front of them which seemed to have appeared from nowhere, and raised them up.



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