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As soon as Tachibana left the room, time seemed to slow down. Really slow down.

Kageyama couldn't really take the enormity of what had happened. Or rather, what was going to happen.

Shouyou was going to be here-

Shouyou was going to be--

Shouyou was going to--

Shouyou was going--

Shouyou was--


Was. Going. To. Come. And. See. Him. Here. Now. In. His. Office. At. Work.

He just couldn't take it.

Tobio collapsed on his desk, burying his red face in a pile of paperwork.

How long had he ached to see him. How long... What did he look like now? Had he grown? Maybe... Maybe he had a beard. A full grown beard. Or even better: a goatee. The very idea brought a smirk to Kageyama's face, even as his heart beat raced at three times its normal speed.

What would he do? What would he say? He had no idea. What could he say?

Before he got time to prepare a plan of action, he heard quiet voices outside his door. This was it. Shouyou - should he call him Hinata, now that they were no longer together? - was here. Kageyama hurriedly set his tie straight and ran one hand through his jet black hair.

The door handle pressed down on the other side, and then a familiar figure stepped through the doorway into the crowded room.


He was exactly as Kageyama remembered him.

Large chocolate brown eyes, slightly golden in the sunlight, smooth pale skin, a pink blush on his cheeks and a petite nose in the centre. He looked older, more mature, more handsome now rather than cute, yet that excited look of his still remained, plastered on his face no matter what the situation.
His hair, still as brightly orange as a foxes', was his most noticeable feature, each lock and curl seemingly having a will of his own.
He had grown a bit since high school, but hardly enough to see eye - to - eye with Kageyama. He wore on his more muscly frame a black hoodie which accentuated his orange hair perfectly and a pair of loose tracksuit bottoms, through which Tobio could faintly see the outline of his legs. His beautiful smooth legs.
On his feet were some plain white trainers, almost identical to the ones he used to play volleyball in...

He was still the most gorgeous person Kageyama had ever seen in his life.


Hinata took him in.

Kageyama was as tall as he had ever been, crow black hair covering his slender face ever so slightly, neatly cut to expose his ears. His grey eyes were just as hypnotising as when they first met, in that match back in middle school. They had hated each others' guts back then but now... All Hinata wanted to do was to throw his arms around Tobio's waist and never let go.
He had changed, there was no doubt in that. He looked strangely sad, depressed even, but there was a look in his eyes that reminded him of when they used to play volleyball together: setter and spiker, the perfect team. The perfect combination.

The perfect couple.

As he looked down, he noted Kageyama's uniform: a simple black blazer and shirt, plain trousers and shoes. Didn't suit him at all. What Kageyama looked good in was gym clothes, especially vests, which displayed his biceps perfecrly and through which Hinata could see his chest; he could faintly see the outline of his muscles through his white fabric even now. How badly he wanted to touch them, to feel his warmth, the comfort of Tobio's body pressed to his own...

If anything, he had fallen even more deeply in love with him.

At first, Tachibana studied the two young men quizzically, but one look at their eyes and she suddenly understood: why Kageyama had never once looked at her with lust, why he had never asked her out on a date, why he had always complimented her values rather than her looks...

"Well then I'll leave you two to it" she declared, and promptly exited the room, closing the door firmly.

She smiled to herself as she walked towards the lift; perhaps this will end Kageyama's constant miserable state, she thought. This is who he's been waiting for all these years... I'm such an idiot for not realising sooner - what Kageyama needs isn't someone to love.

It's for a very specific someone to love him back.

A Kagehina Fanfic: All Grown Up Where stories live. Discover now