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"Ok everyone, pack away the nets! We're shutting shop early!"

A collective groan sounded throughout the gymnasium accompanied by the sound of twenty volleyballs hitting the walls and floor. Sweaty children in sports clothes gradually came to a stop, and began to wheel away the nets slowly, despite their constant moaning in their coach's ear.

It was 4:01pm. The reunion was at 6:00pm - sharp - and Hinata didn't want to miss a minute of it.

His heart pounded in his chest at the thought of seeing Kageyama again, but at the same time it ached with sorrow. He had totally messed up. There was no way that Tobio would want to be with him now... And even if he did, how on earth was he going to explain the whole situation?! That would mean admitting that he had lied to him... And he would have to have nerves of steel for that.

His stomach ached familiarly, just like before a major match back in high school. Back then, Kageyama would always hold him close, so that Shouyou could hear the crow haired boy's heartbeat underneath his shirt. The memory seemed so vivid and yet, so far away at the same time--

"HINATA SENSEI!!! Just one more spike! Please! PLEASE!!"

Hinata whirled around to see a blonde haired boy standing behind him, volleyball clutched desperately in his hands. His name was Suzuha; he was 11, short, full of unmeasureable energy and a tremendous passion towards volleyball. He reminded the coach of his young self, constantly asking his friends to toss for him in between their basketball or football practises. Hinata affectionately ruffled the boy's hair, smiling widely as he did so.

"Not today Suzuha. I have a place to be." The boy was not satisfied - a disappointed frown crept onto his young face and his face visibly darkened as he turned to plod to the storage room. Hinata sighed, and stopped him in his tracks, crouching down in front of the boy and placing both hands on the child's shoulders.

"I'll toss extra for you next week, alright?" A wide smile immediately appeared on little Suzuha's face, and he ran joyfully ahead, leaving Hinata to wonder whether he would regret making that promise.

The coach glanced at his watch. Just under 2 hours to go home, change and get on the train to the centre of town...

He just hoped he would have enough time.

"What shall I wear?"

The question hung in the air, hovering in front of Kageyama's troubled face. He had talked it over multiple times with Tachibana - or Mei, as she now insisted he call her - and had decided to go to the Christmas meal. After all, it wouldn't do any harm to see everyone, see how they're doing...

Selfish idiot. You don't even care about anyone. You just want to see Shouyou. Even though he's seeing someone.

You're disgusting Tobio. You're absolutely awful. You're just a pathetic, desperate loser who still hasn't gotten over a relationship he had half a decade ago in high school.

And yet, the desire to see Shouyou, to wrap his arms around that tiny frame, was almost overpowering...

Tobio shook his head clear of all his ongoing thoughts and fantasies, and decided instead to focus on his wardrobe. A suit seemed a bit too formal, and knowing his old volleyball team, none of them would dress with so much effort to see a few old friends... A simple t-shirt and jeans seemed too casual, too slacky
And there was the matter of what shoes to wear; trainers simply wouldn't do and his work shoes were beyond uncomfortable...

After much deliberation, Kageyama eventually opted for a casual checkered shirt and black trousers which stretched slightly here and there on his muscular legs. Once he was satisfied with his slim reflection in the mirror, he sprayed a hint of cologne on himself, threw on his Superdry jacket, and was off into the city.

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