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Hinata had been waiting in the lobby for about 10 minutes. Frankly, he was wondering if Kageyama actually worked in this place. It was giant and all neat and uniform and white and tidy and boring and Kageyama wasn't like that. Not on the inside.

But the assistant (or whatever she was) had returned and they were currently walking up to Kageyama's office, so it must mean that Sugawara's intel was right. Hinata had been prepping himself up for over a month now, but he still felt such intense nervousness at seeing Kageyama again. Nervousness he was now converting into babbling. But he just couldn't help himself! After all, he hadn't seen Kageyama since the end of high school. Six long years. Sure, they'd kept in touch using social media, but it had been a long time since either of them had updated their profiles or spoken to one another. It just seemed... Fake that way.

What did Tobio look like now? Hinata thought to himself. Had he grown even taller? Maybe, just maybe, he had grown a moustache. A curly one. The very image seemed hilarious to the flame haired boy and he had to stop himself from bursting out laughing in the gloomy grey lift. What if - Hinata gulped - he had gotten even more defined abs? He wouldn't be able to stop himself then. Dumbass! It's not like you would be able to seem them through his shirt anyway!

"It's just through this door here." The assistant gestured towards a narrow grey door crammed right at the end of the narrow grey corridor.

"Th-thank you." Hinata stuttered out an apology to the blonde woman. The nerves were getting to him.

He took a deep breath in and opened the door.

A Kagehina Fanfic: All Grown Up Where stories live. Discover now