Chapter 1

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Mortal Kombat 9 various x reader

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Mortal Kombat 9 various x reader

Chapter 1

3rd P.O.V


That's the only word that could sum up the state of this world.

The Earthrealm warriors had failed, dead bodies scattered across the once sacred grounds, limbs hanging from various places and blood staining the earth permanently.

Raiden holds his own against the evil ruler of outworld, Shao Khan, but is failing. 'I must not let this happen!' he thought to himself as he sat in kneeling position in front of Shao Khan clutching his shattered amulet as Shao Khan laughed at him "yes, pray to the worms, Raiden" Shao Khan mocked. Raiden started to chant in ancient tongue but instead of chanting for, what all fans of mortal kombat known as, the time spell he chants, for the English translation, "Elder gods, hear me please. I beg of you to give us another chance! A way to change this fate that we have been given! Send us help"

As Shao Khan brought down his war hammer to kill Raiden, Raiden lifted his head and said as sparks enveloped his body "he must win".

And the elder gods granted him the chance by giving this time periods Raiden's memories of the tournament to the past Raiden so he can receive visions at certain times. (Yeah I know confusing) but also they would send a hero and not just any hero they would send someone not from outworld or from Earthrealm no they would send a hero from a whole other dimension who knew how the tournament would end because to the hero this was a game from their perspective. The hero would be kind, brave, beautiful and know enough to help save the world.

They would send you.

to be continued...

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