chapter 2

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Author P.O.V (it's the same as 3rd P.O.V)

"no no no no no-! oh you jerk!" a girl yelled playing Mortal Kombat 10 since she already finished number 9.

Meet 18 year old (name) (last name). A girl who was a curvy girl with no flab but no ab. She had long (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. Poor grades in school and still lived with her mom but she had the best job in the world according to her she was a beta game tester! She remembered everything and every game she played that included the story lines and cut scenes. But let's skip right to the good part since A. it'll be boring to explain everything and B. I'm super lazy with this bit.

Anyway (name) went to sleep and had a strange dream. She was walking along a coble stone path with cherry blossom trees making a tunnel over the path way. She wore her regular pyjamas which consisted of an oversized white t-shirt that had one sleeve hang off her shoulder, a sports bra underneath and long loose thin black track pants that touched the floor. Her hair was out and longer that it should be as it hung below her knees. She walked through the tunnel as a breeze blew past her carrying her hair with it letting it dance upon it. She stopped for a moment to see a red rose in her way as she picked it up she placed it in her hair. 'this's too beautiful to exist' she thought to herself. When she looked up she saw someone who has never appeared in her dreams before. Raiden stood before her only a few feet away "Raiden?" she asked and in response he nodded "I have come to give you a message" he spoke "once you see me again you must say 'the cherry blossoms blooming in a field of fire has given me hope' is that understood?" She was confused but nodded which caused Raiden to smile "you are our last hope, (name) (last name)" he disappeared as the light indicating that she was waking up got brighter and brighter.

(name)'s P.O.V

"who is she? And what is she doing here?"

"Liu Kang, I believe if you do not distance yourself from the girl before she wakes, she will surely scream in fear"

'oh my head' I open my eyes gently as I groan in discomfort when I realize I'm not in my own bed but more or less on a hard concrete like surface. I meet the faces of two very familiar people or rather characters Liu Kang and Raiden. "are you alright?" Raiden asked I was stunned as I looked at them both slowly sitting up. I looked to Liu Kang then to Raiden. "miss are you injured?" Raiden asked when I remembered what he told me in my dream. I take a deep breath and nod then say "the cherry blossoms blooming in a field of fire has given me hope" Raiden is stunned while Liu Kang is confused. Raiden snaps out of his stunned state and helps me up "so you are the girl the elder gods have sent" he said "I-I guess but why?" "Lord Raiden I am confused who is this girl?" Liu Kang asked I turn to him and look up at him "my name is (name) (last name) and well I guess the elder gods brought me here" "I have already explained to you Liu Kang that the other me died and the elder gods provided us all with a second chance not only that but a hero, from another dimension, to guide us" Raiden said then it clicked "whoa wait a second hold on your saying that I, a 18 year old teenage girl who fails some of her classes, can barely speak to another human being without stuttering and is clumsy beyond belief, am a hero chosen by your elder gods. Uh-uh I don't think so" I said backing away when Liu Kang spoke "if lord Raiden says it is true then it is, Lady (name)" I sigh looking down noticing that I'm still in my Pyjamas "ok, *looks up at both of the men* I can intervene when necessary" I said. They both nodded and walked with me.

Liu Kang seemed really interested in what I had to say about, well, anything "so where you are from are there any shaolin?" he asked I smiled and nodded "yes but I doubt any are as amazing as you Liu Kang" he blushed at my comment "thank you, Lady (name)" I laughed a little causing him to be confused "what is so funny?" "you. Please drop the lady thing ok? Just call me (name)" he smiled "alright, (name). It's interesting though" "what is?" "by the way you have told me about yourself I would have thought your hair would be shorter" "it's supposed to be but I woke up like this. I don't mind though I like it"

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