chapter 3

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(name)'s P.O.V

I walked to the door of Shang Tsung's throne room and walk in to see Liu Kang failed!?! 'what the hell!?' I quickly ran to him "Liu Kang! What happened?!" I asked worried "I-I failed" he mumbled in pain, Kung Lao and I both move Liu Kang away from the battle field. I look up to see Shang Tsung smirking "it has been decided Earthrealm is now Shao Kahn's! No Earthrealm warrior is left standing to defend their home!" he cackled I growled and pushed my way through the crowd "hey!" I shouted gaining everyone's attention "I'm still here! I challenge Ermac as the last Earthrealm warrior!" I announced bravely "Lady (name) don't!" Kung Lao tried to get to me but Baraka pushed him back.

"*chuckles* very well child. Ermac vs (name)!" Shang Tsung exclaims as Ermac assumes fighting stance "you should have kept your mouth shut. We will not go easy on you" Ermac said I smirked and assumed fighting position "oh good, I needed a warm up today" I say clenching my fists. "Begin" Shang Tsung said. Ermac launched at me, my instincts kicked in and I kept dodging and watching his moves 'find the weak spot, find the weak spot' I kept repeating to myself when he lands a blow to my stomach making me fly across the room into the wall then grabs me by the throat and slams me into the ground "...ow..." I whimpered "(name)!" Liu Kang and Kung Lao shout. I open my eyes to see the Earthrealm warriors looking at me with worried and horrified. I taste my own blood and spit it out beside me. He then proceeds to punch me in the face and stomach 'yield' I heard 'what?' 'Lady (name) please yield, we do not wish to end your life' that's when it hit me.

Ermac was trying to help me, to save me from death 'I can't, these people need me' Ermac stops after a while with my eyes swollen almost shut I could still see the horrified faces of my friends even Sonya looked like she was going to be sick "we warned you. You should have kept your mouth shut. We have clearly won. Yield and you may live. Earthrealm is a world destined to die, Shao Kahn will have it" Ermac said emotionless. I felt a fire light within me burning inside me core "h...o" I rasped Ermac kneeled down "repeat" he commanded. I used my right fist and cracked him in the face so hard he stumbled back a few steps "I said 'hell no!' ya here me now!" I glare at him feeling the fire running through my veins "Earthrealm is my home! *stands up struggling* and I'll be damned before I let it be taken over by a puppet of that prick Shinnok!" I yell "if dying is what it takes to protect it you're damned right I'll die to protect my home!" I launch at Ermac and slamming into him then throwing him into the wall. The energy within me fuelled my rage with every hit, every kick and punch until finally I landed the final blow to the head rendering him unconscious. The energy subsided causing me to drop to my knees "(name)!" Liu Kang and Kung Lao ran to my aid helping me up.

I looked up at Shang Tsung "y-your next, prick" I stuttered loud enough before passing out.


"Is lady (name) alright?"

"Lord Raiden's powers have healed her physically; she needs to rest to be prepared for the next match"

"I should have tried harder; she would not have gone through this much had I not failed"

"Never knew the kid had it in her. She looked like she packed a wallop kickin' Ermac's butt"

I woke up to hearing voices causing me to open my eyes Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Raiden, Sonya, Johnny and Sub-Zero. "Well, isn't this nice" I said gaining their attention as I sat up "(name)" Liu Kang smiled and hugged me. I was surprised at first but hugged him back once he let go Kung Lao pet my head "that was amazing, I never knew a child such as yourself could fight like that" I frowned "I'm not a child damn it!" I whined causing the others to laugh.

Timeskip again

Raiden helps me practice kata (a system of individual training exercises in karate and other martial arts) "how did you know what Scorpion would have done?" Raiden asked "where I come from, Mortal Kombat is a video game series. This tournament is the 9th one in the series. I've played it before many times and I remember the storyline like the back of my hand. But still there is something I don't understand" I said stopping for a moment as does Raiden as he stops to look at me "what is it?" "Liu Kang was the one who was supposed to defeat Ermac not me. Could it be possible that me being here is the reason such events to change?" "it is possible, since Liu Kang has been defeated and you have taken his place you are now Earthrealm's last hope" I chuckle nervously "talk about having the weight of the world on your shoulders" Raiden gasps and I run to him "Raiden what's wrong?" I asked worried. He takes a deep breath and smiled at me "another vision" "what happened this time?" ""He must win". Those are my last words before I die. I believed it was Liu Kang who was to win but you are now our fighter. Do you know what is to happen?" "sorry but I can't be so sure anymore. Since I'm a fighter now I don't know what will happen" he takes off his amulet "This amulet was forged by the Elder Gods. It cracked here in the present after my first vision. If we choose wisely, the future will be secured and the cracks healed" "yeah id if I choose wrong we're all going to die" "you seem well confident" "to be honest I'm terrified" my body starts to tremble "I only defeated Ermac out of luck. If I lose the next match I may die not only that but Earthrealm would be doomed" Raiden places hands upon my shoulders making me look at him "you shall be fine lady (name). Have faith in yourself. The elder gods would not have sent you if you were to be the end of Earthrealm" I nod and smile "thank you" "We must trust in the Elder Gods, Lady (name)" he says as he lets go of me.

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