Chapter 6

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(Name)'s P.O.V

"shit!" yeah that's the first words you hear coming out of my mouth this chapter sorry but considering that I'm trying to fight off Goro right now I think I have the fucking right and privilege. "puny human you shall die!" he bellowed before I cracked him in the jaw with a broken rail stunning him giving me the chance to run. I run past many soldiers and hide in an alley behind a garbage can. I can't summon anymore strength like I did in the tournaments, I'm all bruised up and my cuts are bleeding. All I can do now is wait. "well congratulations (Name). This is another fine mess you have gotten yourself into, you can't do something as simple as remember Shao Khan's resurrection even now I can only remember what will happen if the event is occurring. No phone, no proper friends to help you...just nothing" I tell myself bringing my knees to my chest. The feeling of hopelessness clouded and plagued my mind so much that I didn't notice someone walking in front of me.

"Hey you ok?" I looked up to see Kabal, the Kabal that I would use as a fighter in my games. I nod slightly "what are you doing here? It's dangerous" he said offering me a helping hand. I look at it "don't worry I'm not gonna hurt ya" I take it standing up "I'm Kabal and you are?" "(Name)" "come on, we need to get out of here" I nodded. We ran out of the alley and across the street until we heard a voice "You are not authorised for portal use" I look to Kabal "portal use?" I asked "it's a long story. And Says who" we turn around to see Sub-Zero but in his cyber form His robotic suit is colour-coded blue, and his hands pulse with ice energy "Kuai Liang" I said sadly Kabal turns to me "you know this guy?" he asked "I did, but he didn't look like this" I said not taking my eyes off him "Sub-Zero. Unit L-K-5-2-0" Sub-Zero replied "Heh, you say that like it means something. Better stand back ma'am" Kabal said in fighting position "As you will soon discover" Sub-Zero said getting into fighting position as well. They fight.

As a cyborg, Sub-Zero is more powerful than ever, boasting an array of ice attacks and cybernetic powers his previous form could never muster. However, Kabal's mastery of his new powers proves to be an equal match to the cyborg and with a few clever moves Kabal manages to disable Sub-Zero and power down his systems. "Ha! Not as cool as you thought" Kabal gloated I walked over to him and raised and frowned "sorry to say but he is my friend" I said kneeling down beside Sub-Zero. I tear up looking at him "h-hey what's the matter!?! Why are you crying!?" Kabal exclaimed worried "t-this is my fault! If I had kept in contact with him he wouldn't have become this...thing!" I whimper placing a hand on Sub-Zero's. "I'm sorry, Kuai Liang, I'm sorry" I whispered when I heard footsteps approaching. I wipe my eyes and look up to see Sheeva "Why do you turn on your brother, Lin Kuei?" she asks "That is not my brother. He's machine. I'm human" Kabal states "You do not appear human" "Don't let the mask fool ya" I growl "Kabal it's my turn" I say standing up "you a mere pathetic mortal?" Sheeva laughed "we'll see who's pathetic after this, bitch" I growl. I launch at her with a nearby railing, as time seemed to slow down, and hit her directly in the gut, then the legs, then the arms an finally the head. I jumped back to where I was standing before as time sped up again. She wobbled a little bit then fell to the floor "much better" I said walking away. "Sub-Zero!" I turned around to see Raiden standing next to Kabal and Smoke running and kneeling next to Sub-Zero.

I walk over to him "what they have done to is...hideous" Smoke said looking to Raiden "there might be a way to help him" I said gaining everyone's attention "Lady (Name)? You're alive" Smoke says with a hint of happiness in his voice I smile and help him carry Sub-Zero.


"Where have you been?" Smoke asked me. After we had arrived at a temple, we had met up with our friends and had Jax try to fix Sub-Zero. "I've been trying to find a way home" I replied not meeting his gaze. The way he asked me was as if he were scolding a child "have you had any luck?" "no I've been a bit too preoccupied with finding shelter and food" "you could have stayed with us so we could help" "I couldn't" I said turning away from him only to have him grab both of my arms and held me in place "why not?" "I just couldn't besides the elder gods would have sent me home. Figured out that already" "lady (Name) please answer" "you wouldn't understand" "just tell me why!" "Because it would hurt less!" I exclaimed. His eyes widen in shock as he let go of me "it would hurt less ok! I've grown attached to you all! Where I come from I have no friends! No one cares about me enough to ask me if I'm ok or if they can help me! With you guys I have people who look out for me and make me feel special and when I go home I'll never be able to see any of you again!" my voice starts to crack as tears stream down my face "that's why I didn't contact anyone or try to find anyone..."

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