Chapter 4

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At the Wu Shi Academy in Earthrealm, (name), who has changed into a beautiful sapphire blue kimono with snow flake designs on it and her hair properly combed through and pulled into one long braid tied together there are blue and white ribbons and...

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At the Wu Shi Academy in Earthrealm, (name), who has changed into a beautiful sapphire blue kimono with snow flake designs on it and her hair properly combed through and pulled into one long braid tied together there are blue and white ribbons and many blue flowers through it. Her feet were no longer bare but wore shoes similar to Liu Kang, walks through a congregation of monks and her new friends from the tournament (minus Nightwolf, who's presumably returned to his homeland) towards Raiden. She clasps her hands in respect and bows her head. Raiden then presents her with a golden medal with a dragon at its forefront, signifying (name)'s new status as Champion of Mortal Kombat. He hangs the medal around (name)'s neck as the crowd applauds. (name)'s heart swells with pride as she feels like she has found a home better than her original and that she can make a difference here, she still honours the memory of her fallen friend Bi-Han by wearing his wrist guards everywhere, after the tournament she was presented with his clothes and armour to keep by Sonya.

Time passes to night. Still at the Wu Shi Academy, Jax is smoking a cigar while contemplating recent events with Raiden.

"I do not understand why my amulet is further damaged. "He must win". Originally I thought Liu Kang would be the victor but Lady (name) won. What could this possibly mean?" Raiden inquired "Ya got me. Not sure anybody coulda done what she did. Made Shang Tsung look like a Chimp" Jax Chuckled. (name) walks to the pair still in her Kimono smiling "mind if I join you both?" she asked smiling they both look to her and smile "not at all Lady (name)" Raiden says smiling as she stood between the two males. The two males felt protective over the young girl, like a father to a daughter. "Finally decided to wear something other than those pyjamas huh?" Jax asked Chuckling "yeah, I think I look pretty good. What do you think sorcerer?" (name) smirked not looking at a much younger looking Shang Tsung who was walking up to them. "What? Shang Tsung?!" Jax exclaimed "You have been revitalised, I see. I didn't realise your master was in the habit of rewarding failure" Raiden questioned "The emperor has an offer, Raiden. A new tournament" Shang Tsung stated. (name) stepped in "what sort of tournament?" "The emperor proposes a single tournament, to replace the current system of ten. It will be held in Outworld. If Earthrealm does not win, Outworld will absorb it. But if Earthrealm wins, Shao Kahn will abandon his claim to it forever" (name) looked to Raiden who shook his head then she looked back to Shang Tsung "sorry but we'll stick to the regular tournament" she replied looking back over the sacred grounds.

Shang Tsung smiles and generates a large portal across the courtyard. Out of it emerge hundreds of Tarkatan warriors. Furiously, Raiden begins fighting with Tsung while Jax and (name) jump into the rampaging army. He clotheslines one Tarkatan down, head butts another, punches and knees yet another, throws him down and finishes him with a head stomp. (name) Use Sub-Zero's wrist guards to freeze a few. A fourth Tarkatan sucker punches Jax, a fifth hits him and the fourth then kicks him in the face, sending him sprawling. As he lies on the ground, the Tarkatan brings his boot down hard on his face, knocking him unconscious.

Jax starts hearing Raiden's voice as he comes to, and spots Johnny Cage and (name) kneeling over him. The Academy has been devastated by the Tarkatans, but Liu Kang and Kung Lao as well as Cage and (name) are uninjured.

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