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It was a dark and gloomy night.

Ok, forget I said that. Let me try again...

Ominous dark thunder clouds, cling to the horizon. Illuminated by the moonlight, and yet threatening to block out the moon's glow. Lightning flashes piercing the night sky, followed by the deep rumble of thunder shaking the ground.

Now that's a much better start to a book. Which is impressive considering, I'm new at this whole writing gig (saving the world would probably be easier). And I've got your attention now.

That's right, I'm talking to you, random person who decided to pick up this book and read. Let me just tell you, I feel sorry for you. My life is a never ending string of problems, and I'm not talking about everyday problems like siblings driving you insane, or forgetting to study for that big test, and definitely not like getting stuck sitting next to that obnoxious person you always try to avoid. Nope. My brand of problems involves life changing decisions, avoiding getting struck by lightning, and probably way too many lives at stake, which leaves you, my possibly faithful reader, with a choice.

At this point, you can either A: run for your life and pretend you never saw this book, or B: get sucked into my mess of a life.

By now, I've assumed that you've decided to stay, for some various reason, so I guess I'll tell you my life story. OK, maybe not my whole life story, but at least the good parts, and maybe some of the bad.

Anyways, I recall opening this story with, 'It was a dark and gloomy night', which is probably one the most overused cliche statements, so let me start again, at the beginning.


  I'm going to write in bold like this when I'm address you guys, the readers, directly and not as the main character of this book. 

I just thought I'd tell you that this is my first Wattpad book, which is kind of nerve wracking, and exciting at the same time. So when it came to writing this chapter, I spent a long time thinking it over before publishing. Which is why I hope you guys liked it.

Without further ado, here's the next chapter of Breaking Butterfly

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Without further ado, here's the next chapter of Breaking Butterfly.

Breaking ButterflyWhere stories live. Discover now