Choose (Part 1)

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As I race up the stairs of the capitol building, there are only two things on my mind. One is that the capitol building has too many stairs. The second, and most important, is that I need to find a way to stop the Meta Alliance, and save Jasper's sister. And I can't help but feel like a dead girl walking. When I reach the top of the capitol building, I will find myself face to face with what I assume will be the elite members of the Meta Alliance. It won't be much longer now, I can already see the door to the roof.

To face the Meta Alliance it will be best if I enter the fight invisible. Maybe they won't notice me. That would at least buy me some time to analyze the situation and determine a plan of attack.

Just as I reach the top of the stairs, I turn invisible, and do my best to silently slip through the doorway. Yet, despite my attempt to go unnoticed, I find myself getting blasted with lightning as I walk out onto the roof. I cringe and turn visible as every muscle in my body tenses up from the static.

"Nice of you to join us, Butterflygirl." Vortex announces in a tone of voice that is somewhere between psychopathic and an exhibition of excellent showmanship.

"Nice to see you care about me, Sparky." I quip in reply. Then without taking the other present villains into account, I charge at Vortex. This time I'm not giving him a chance create a tornado or charge up a lightning attack. I'm just going end this now.

I telekinetically shove Vortex, an overused go to attack, but definitely effective. Vortex is sent flying backwards through the air, but he somehow manages to spin mid air and stick the landing. A display of agility that I don't remember ever seeing from Vortex.

Take a quick glance to see what other villains are present. Nighthawk stands arms crossed next to one of those strange boxes, but this box is larger than the others. Nimbus is standing on the other side of the box. Dr. Nimbus is making no attempt to help Vortex fight me. He's just standing there as if he finds the fight amusing. And Jasper's little sister is trapped inside some sort of force field that surrounds the box.

Oh please hang in there Elliana, I promise I'll save you, I think to myself.

The second Vortex's feet hit the ground, he launches a ball of lightning at me. I dodge it with little effort. The light strikes an antenna behind me on the roof, before spread to all nearby metal objects. I attempt to block the coming attack, but it's already too late. Lightning collapses in on me from every angle. I do my best not to cry out in pain, as electricity courses through my body. After what I know is only a fews seconds, but what feels like a eternity, my vision blurs around the edges and I collapse to my knees.

I go to stand, but Vortex kicks me back down. He already had managed to close the distance between us.

"I can't believe he had so much trouble trying to beat you." Vortex boasts. "You're pathetic. Why even bother with being a hero? At the end of the day, heroes fall and someone stronger replaces them. All your efforts are for nothing."

"My efforts aren't for nothing. I'm not in it for the glory. At the end of the day, all the matters is for the citizens of this city to go home safe and sound. So go ahead and fight me, because I will always be there to stop you." I tell him.

Who's this 'he' Vortex is talking about, I wonder as I try to stand again.

Vortex knocks me down again and kicks me in the stomach. "You will never beat me. The heroic Butterflygirl. Loved by the people of Silver City. You've been fighting Vortex for over five years. And yet it took me less than a minute to bring you to your knees."

Vortex bends down, grabs me by the hair and yanks me up, so that I'm forced to make eye contact with him. "I could squash you like a bug." Vortex laughs menacingly. "I should have replaced that fool years ago."

"Get your filthy hands off of my nemesis you damn copycat." A familiar voice fills the rooftop.

Vortex lets go of my hair, and I drop to the ground as a bolt of lightning sends Vortex flying across the rooftop.

I quickly rush to stand up again, and watch in surprise as who I assume to be the real Vortex walks towards the fake Vortex that I had been fighting.

"I'm replacing you. My electric abilities are superior to your powers in every way." boasts the fake Vortex.

"You're forgetting something." points out the real Vortex.

"What?" sneers the fake Vortex.

"My name is Vortex for a reason." says the real Vortex.

The real Vortex raises his hands to the sky, causing the clouds to rotating. In mere seconds, the sky turns pitch black as a funnel cloud twists downwards towards the rooftop of the building. A tornado touches down and engulfs the fake Vortex.

The wind coming off the tornado is so strong that I can barely keep my eyes open, and the wind is screaming in my ears like the sound of a freight train times ten.

"Vortex, that's enough." Nimbus finally steps in. "I think that our new recruit has learned his lesson."

Vortex nods to Nimbus, and disperses the tornado. The fake Vortex is now lying on the ground, rendered unconscious. Vortex walks over to him, and removes the mask from the fake Vortex. It was Levi Jacobs, Jasmine's date from the dance.

"If you ever try to impersonate me again, I will personally hunt you down and end you." Vortex threatens before walking over to Nimbus.

"This fight serves as proof that my son should be granted membership to the Meta Alliance." Nimbus tells Nighthawk.

"This fight has served only as means to intrigue me." Nighthawk replies, no infliction of emotion in his voice. "Have your son initiate the device. Then if he can accomplish that and eliminate his nemesis, then he will be granted membership."

With that statement, Nighthawk vanishes into thin air. A hologram. Nighthawk must have a bigger plan than this, he doesn't even care enough to be here in person.

"Vortex, you heard him, kill your nemesis." Nimbus orders.

"Release Levi's hostage first." Vortex demands

"No. The hostage will remain where she is." Nimbus replies. "She has no powers, therefore she is of no use to us."

45 minutes remain 


Feel free to leave your questions, and theories in the comment section.

Until next chapter -AureilliaSkyland

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