The Betrayal Cuts Much Deeper

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Eric's pov

A jolt of pain in my stomach caused my eyes to shoot open and I instantly opened my mouth to cry out for Markus, but nothing escaped except a desperate whimper. Struggling to my feet, I took a single step before my legs gave out and I crashed to the floor, the pain which had been centered around my belly shot up my spine and spread through the rest of my body.


No answer.

"P-Please I n-need you."

Still no answer. Terrified, I dragged myself across the floor, pulling myself to the door and outside it, before I couldn't go any further.

'Stop calling out for him,  Eric. We can't trust him.'

"Shut up! Markus loves me, he'd never do anything to hurt me!"

'Oh really?'

I clutched my head as an excruciating pain went through it and images I didn't recognize flooded my mind in quick succession.

"W-What is this?"

'These are your true memories, Eric. He stole them from you, but I fought him and he couldn't steal them from me. He weakened me so I couldn't help you,  help us, but I've been waiting and gathering my strength for this one chance to reach you.'

"I . . . I don't want this . . . I don't want to remember!"

'Stop it! You're not this weak little coward that he's turned you into, now fight back!'

"W-Who are you?! What do you want from me?!"

'My name is Emmett and I'm your wolf.'

"My wolf? No . . . No that's crazy."

'Crazier than hearing voices from nowhere? Crazier than letting someone electrocute you or experiment on you, than enjoying it? "

"Leave me alone! Why won't you just go away?!"

'I'm a part of you, Eric . . . we need each other.'

"I don't need you, I only need Markus!"

I heard a whimper in my head before the voice went away once again, surprisingly taking the stabbing pain along with it and I managed to force myself onto my feet. Walking slowly to keep from falling again, I started to search for Markus, stopping when I heard his voice behind his closed office door.

"Emmett was getting in my way, but thankfully he's been quiet the past few days."

There was a short pause as if another person was speaking and I covered my mouth to keep from whimpering as the realization that he was talking about my "wolf " hit me.

"No, he thinks it's just a voice in his head. He believes everything I tell him."

'Please tell me this is a dream, I'm going to wake up and he'll be there to hold me and tell me that he'd never hurt me like this.'

"Well you know him, he fought at first, but once I erased his memories, he became as tame as a kitten. And now that the medicine I've been giving him is starting to take effect, he won't be giving you any more problems."

Creeping away quietly, I made it back to my bedroom, closing the door behind and climbing into my bed before the tears hit me. Markus had been lying to me this whole time, using me this whole time and I never even thought to question the things he told me. I whimpered quietly when the pain of his words echoed in my head . . . were my parents still alive? Were they looking for me? And if he hasn't saved my life, then how did we really meet each other? I stiffened when I heard a knock on the door, a whine escaping me before I could hold it back.

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