The Evening........

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After a few days…..

At After School’s dorm (evening)

“Morning omma!!” Nana and Lizzy greet Jungah excitedly who just woke up from sleep.

Jungah: Morning kids. Jungah replied in gloomy mood and throw her body at the next sofa from Nana and Lizzy sat.

Lizzy: Omma, are you ok??Lizzy asked Jungah.

Jungah: Ermm….Short replied from Jungah who staring at the ceiling with empty and clueless thought.

Lizzy: Omma, tell me what is on your mind now??I’m sure you thinking something and it’s already evening omma. Lizzy point to the outside.

Jungah: Ooo…Jungah replied and look outside with plastering a force smile on her beautiful lip.

Nana: Omma, are you worry about appa and Lee Jin unnie??Nana switched off the television and facing her body toward Jungah.

Jungah: Where are the girls??Jungah try to avoid Nana’s question and pretend searching for the girls.

Nana: The girls??Do you mean appa??Kekekke. Nana teasing Jungah.

Lizzy: Unnies and E-young at the nearest park. Appa also at the park, omma. Lizzy answers with winking her eyes to Jungah.

Jungah: Oooo…Jungah smiling when she heard about that.

Nana: Where are you going, omma??Nana asked when seeing Jungah walking headed to the main door.

Jungah: Park. Kkekekke. Jungah waving to Nana and Lizzy.

Lizzy: Omma, don’t flirt with appa too much uhh. Kkekkeeke.

Jungah: Aisshh…Jungah pouted because of shy.

Jungah POV

Kahi unnie, here I come. Kekekeke. Huhhhh. At last I can spend my free time with you. I wonder what are you doing there. Waiting for me?? There are many things, I wanna share with you. I miss you, Kahi unnie.

At the park

When Jungah arrived at the park, she see Juyeon and Uee cycling around the park by couple bike while E-young and Raina playing badminton.

Jungah: Juyeon and Uee??So cute together. Kekekke.

Jungah: Hey kids!!Jungah shouted and waving to the girls.

Juyeon and Uee: Omma!!They shouted at once.

Uee: Omma, let’s cycling. Uee invites Jungah but Jungah decline with beautiful smile on her face.

Jungah: Where is Kahi unnie???Where are you my love??Jungah asked herself. She just so excited to meet Kahi. She missing Kahi so much because Kahi busy with her own schedule and always go out with Lee Jin lately. Jungah’s eyes keep searching for Kahi.

Jungah: My love…Kkekekke…My lo…………… Jungah stuttered when she looked at a bench under a shady tree.

Jungah: Kahi unnie..Jinnie unnie…Waee???What she doing here??. Jungah looked down disapointed. She’s so sad when looking at Kahi and Lee Jin that happily chatting. So many skinship.

Jungah: I’m the one who is should be with Kahi unnie right now not Jinnie unnie. Jungah try to control her emotional but seems it’s so hard for her. Jungah retreats. She sitting at another bench a little far from Kahi and Lee Jin.

Jungah: Kahi unnie smiling so bright with Jinnie unnie right now. Jungah sighing when she still can seeing Kahi and Lee Jin chatting together from her bench.

Conversation between Kahi and Lee Jin

Lee Jin: Kahi, it’s getting late. I have to go back now for dinner with my family. Lee Jin said to Kahi as she looked at her wristwatch.

Kahi: Yahh, you always the same uhh. Kahi giggling.

Lee Jin: What??Lee Jin looked at Kahi with her innocent eyes rubbing her neck.

Kahi: Your curfew. Kekekek. The habit too???Kahi laughing hard this time. Kahi pressed her stomach laughing.

Lee Jin: Kahi yaa~~Lee Jin already pouted sulking. When Kahi realize that, she stops laughing.

Kahi: Sorry Jinnie yaa. Kahi wipe her tears of happiness and her eyes meet Lee Jin’s eyes.

Lee Jin: I love when you laughing like this. My heart going wild. Kekekeke. Lee Jin moves her face near to Kahi and Kahi retreat back.

Kahi: Jinnie, I think you are late now. Kahi stand up and pretend  stretching her body. Lee Jin just chuckling look at Kahi.

Lee Jin: Yeah..Kahi, I love you. You know that right?? Lee Jin stand up and staring at Kahi.

Kahi: I know that, Jinnie. Kahi smiling.

Lee Jin: I’m better go now. Take care Kahi yaa~~Lee Jin hugs and kiss Kahi’s forehead and walk away.

Kahi: You too. Kahi waving to Lee Jin.

At the bench where Jungah sit

Jungah: Aishhh……What joke did Jinnie unnie did until Kahi unnie laughing so hard. I thought Jinnie unnie is a nice boring person.

Jungah: I wanna talk with Kahi unnie. Huhuhuhu.

Jungah: I’m boring sitting here alone.

Jungah: HUhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh………Jungah sighing.

Jungah: Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I’m bored. Jungah pacing back and forth waiting for Kahi finish chatting with Lee Jin. Then Jungah pluck a wild flower at there and sit back at the bench.

Jungah: Woah, beautiful. I wish I can be like you,flower. Jungah talking to the flower.

Jungah: Growing wild……kekekkeke.Jungah spins the flower’s stem.

Jungah: Aigoo…What’s wrong with me??Jungah shook her head.

Jungah: Kahi unnie……….She sighing again and then look at the flower.

Jungah: She loves me. Jungah pull a petal.

Jungah: She loves me not. Another petal pulled by Jungah.

Jungah: She loves me. Jungah pluck another.

Jungah: She loves me not. Jungah engrossed with that.

Jungah: She loves me. Jungah became more nervous because several petal more to go.

“ She loves me not”

Jungah looked up.

Jungah: Ka….hi un..nie. Jungah stuttered when Kahi said like that to her. She did not realize when Kahi standing in front of her.

Kahi: Why do you stop??Kahi asked Jungah that looked so surprised and she sitting next to Jungah.

Kahi: What???Kahi pulled Jungah’s hand to sit beside her.

Kahi: She loves me. Kahi continue pull out the petal.

Kahi: She loves me not??!!Kahi take a glance to Jungah that keep staring at Kahi. Kahi smiling to Jungah.

Kahi: AND…….SHE LOVES ME!!Kahi looked at Jungah.


Kahi: So, who is she, Jungah??Kahi asked.

Jungah: Who???I don’t get that. Jungah pretend she did not understand.

Kahi: You know what I’m talking about. Kahi said to Jungah. Jungah can feel the firmness in Kahi’s words to her.

Jungah: She……………She is……………………Jungah stuttered.

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