With You.......^^

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A few days later…….


Jungah looked down and walking at the corridor with sad face headed to After School’s dance studio.

Jungah POV-Talking with herself

“Babo yahh!!” Jungah tapped her head with her palm hand. She angry with herself. “ Why she interrupt me from confess. Best timing!!Aishhh ”. Jungah mad at Lee Jin because disturb Jungah from confess her love feeling toward Kahi. Lee Jin calling Kahi when Jungah just about to say who is the person she love.

“Jungah………………Jungah…………” Someone calling her name.

Jungah looked up and try to find the voice.

“Kahi unnie” Jungah startled when she saw Kahi runs towards her like she been chasing by mad crazy dog. Jungah make poker face.

Kahi: Let’s go!!Kkekekkeke. Kahi grabbed Jungah’s hand with smiling and continue to run. Without knowing what happen Jungah just follow running with her beautiful gorgeous lover to-be. Then they hide behind a wall somewhere at Pledis building.

Kahi: Shhh…..Kahi gestured her hand to Jungah stay silent.

Kahi scouted from the wall carefully. She wants to make sure that the members did not follow her. But this make Jungah more confuse. So, Jungah also want to know what Kahi scout. She sneaks out her head a little but Kahi pull her from doing that.

Jungah: Unnie, unnie. Jungah patted Kahi’s hand while Kahi still busy scout.

Kahi: Waee??Waee?? Kahi replied without looked at Jungah.

Jungah: Your hand!!Jungah said with a nervous voice.

Kahi: What’s wrong with my hand?? Kahi raised her voice a little because she feels Jungah disturb her. she looked at Jungah .

Kahi: Ooooo….I’m……I’m sorry. Kahi removed her hand and bowed her head to Jungah awkwardly as both of them blushing.

Kahi’s hand is on the top of Jungah’s boobs. She accidently landed her hand when she tried to held Jungah from popped her head to see what happen. She worry the girls might see Jungah.

Jungah: It’s ok. Kkekkeke.She responded shyly with awkward laughing.

Jungah: Why are you running, unnie?? Jungah asked.

Kahi: I’m running from the girls. Kekkekeke.

Jungah: Why?? Jungah looked so confuse.

Kahi: It’s just I wanna to be alone. Kahi smiling to Jungah.

Kahi: But they still want me to join them shopping together. So, I quietly running out then I bumped you………..kekkekkeke.

Jungah: Oooo….then why unnie grabbed my hand since unnie want to be alone. Jungah asked and looked at Kahi.

Kahi: When I see you what across my mind is two is better than one. Kahi answered with smile face and winking to Jungah.

Jungah: Aaa………….Jungah startled and blushing but she tried to act cool.

Jungah POV-in her mind

“ Two is better than one”!!This phrase made my heart flutters. She really knows how to make my heart beating so fast.

Kahi: Let’s go!!Kahi grabbed Jungah’s hand.

Jungah: Where??Jungah try to hide her happy face when Kahi hold her hand.

Kahi: Ermm…….Let’s dinner first then we will think where we want to go after that. Ok??Kahi smiling and lean her head at one side make she looks cute and of course Jungah’s heart beating more faster like wanna jumps out from her body.

Jungah : Ok unnie. Jungah responded with lovely softing voice and smile with her cresent eyes make her more beautiful.

Both of them walking toward Kahi’s car and they still holding each other hand.

Jungah POV-in her mind

No matter how old I get, or jaded and cynical, I will always love to hold hands. There is something so sweet and pure about holding the hand of the person that I love. I adore that my hand fits perfectly with my Kahi unnie. It’s almost as if we were meant to hold hands. Kekkekke. Jungah take a glance to Kahi and smiling alone.

Kahi POV-in her mind

The simple fact of interlocking fingers with Jungah is almost magical. There’s a safety and comfort there that I cannot get anywhere else. It’s just like ‘I’m here for you only’. Kahi keep smiling. Aaaaaaaa…..WAIT!!What’s is wrong with me. Wake up Park KAHI!! But I just simply happy with this. Then Kahi looked at Jungah with a lovely look.

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