Spending Time Together??

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After school dorm’s (Sunday morning)

Lizzy and Raina just got back from jogging at the nearest park. E-young and Nana watching television. Juyeon just wake up. Uee already went out for shooting her drama.

Raina: Jungah unnie and Kahi unnie still not awake?

E-young: Not yet. She answered but her eyes still watching television.

Juyeon: Huhhhh…….I’m so hungry now. Who gonna make breakfast?

Lizzy: Of course you are. Jupal unnie the eldest here among us kekkee.

Juyeon: Me??? Cooking??No way.

Nana: Then how we want to eat breakfast. So hungry…Nana rubbed her stomach.

Juyeon: Wake Jungah unnie. Lizzy, that’s your job kekekke.

Lizzy: Me?? Arasso. Then she walk to Jungah’s room. Lizzy open the door and then close back and run to living room.

Lizzy: Unnies, I watch something so sweet and adorable.

Nana: Don’t tell me that you watch omma naked.

Lizzy: Aishh…Of course not kekkee. Follow me.

The girls so curious and follow Lizzy to Jungah’s room. Lizzy open the door slowly.

Lizzy: Tadaaa……

Lizzy: Appa and omma sleeping and hugging each other. Such a loving couple (but the truth so different).

Nana: Appa protect omma even in sleep.Woahh…

E-young: Appa so cute when sleeping. Omma like an angel.

Juyeon: Woahhh, first time of my life, I see Kahi unnie sleep well. Juyeon stared at Kahi and smiling.

Nana: What you mean by that Jupal unnie.

Juyeon: Huhh??Nothing. She shaking her head.

Raina: Let’s me cook for breakfast. Don’t disturb appa and omma.

The girls: Ermm…ekkekke.They walked out the room.

Kahi and Jungah hugging each other. Kahi arms protectively wrapped around Jungah and Kahi’s chin gently resting against Jungah’s forehead.

After awhile, Jungah wake from sleep, she rubbed her eyes many times. She can’t believe she sleep with Kahi and hugging her.

Jungah: What she doing here? Jungah try to move Kahi’s arm but then Kahi awake.

Kahi: Morning yeobo…She kissed Jungah’s forehead.

Jungah: Unnie, don’t kiss me, you not brushing your teeth yet. Jungah pushed Kahi.

Kahi pulled Jungah to her arms and kiss Jungah again.

Kahi: I kiss you again kekkeke.

Jungah: Unnie, you’re so bad.

Kahi: I’m only bad to you kekkeke.

Jungah: What are you doing here unnie??

Kahi: I can’t sleep at my room, so I come and sleep with you, yeobo. Uee don’t mind at all.

Jungah: Stop calling me like that and don’t sneaking into my room like this anymore.

Kahi: Waee?? Give me 100 reasons. The reasons must be all different.

Jungah stand up. Kahi a little surprised.

Kahi: Mad at me already?

Jungah: Yeahh.

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