~Chapter Two~

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~Sarah pov~

I walk the streets of New Orleans, I don't know where I am going. I decided to walk to the place where my mother was killed in New Orleans. We lived in a little cabin in the woods and we had neighbors they were just acres away from us. My mother always said she didn't like the city that much, that there were many dangers.

Well, I kind of get what she meant, there is a history of werewolf's living in the forest and the vampires and witches living in the city. I followed what I remember and saw a little cabin a few feet away. I walk closer my feet crunching in the leaves as I get closer. I grab a rock and throw it through the shattered window. A few little animals run out. I walk in through the creaking door, I see dirty floors and broken windows.

I try to open the basement door but it won't budge. I take out one of my bobby pins and try to pick the lock. I succeed in picking the lock, I walk down the creepy old steps, each one creaking as I step on it. There are many books and old boxes. I go up to the bookshelf and grab a book that says werewolf history.

I read the whole book, I learned about many different types of supernatural species. I know a werewolf bite can kill a vampire, I also know there are the Originals. As I was reading something about a vampire and werewolf hybrid came up, it said any wolf will submit to him. That kind of scared me but I knew I was never actually going to turn. I decided I was done with reading so I placed the book down and grabbed my stuff and walked back into the city.

It was now about three in the afternoon, I asked a few people if they knew about Kol. Every one answered yes but you don't want to know. It made me kind of freaked out but I guess it was for best. IU finally made myself to a little bar and I saw a blond sitting drinking her coffee and reading a book. maybe I should ask her I thought. I walked up to her.

" Hi, I know you don't know me but I am Sarah Young."

" Oh hi, I am Cami, you can sit if you want?" Cami said politely

" Well I really just wanted to ask you a question, and what book are you reading," I asked

" I am reading a great book called the Black Puppet, it is an old book about magic in the ancient world, and I will answer whatever question you have," Cami answered nicely

" My question is doing you know where I can find Kol Mikaelson?" I questioned

" Yes, you can find him in the French Quarter, he lives in a really big house," Cami says nicely

As I am walking away Cami ran up to me and told me to wear this necklace. I put it in my purse and kept walking. I came to the gates and I pushed them open. I started walking inside when suddenly I was thrown to the floor. I person picked me up fastly and shoved me against the wall.

" Who are you and why are you in my home!" the man with brown hair said

" I am Sarah Young and I am looking for Kol Mikaelson," I answered gasping for air

" Why are you looking for Kol?" the man asked

" I am looking for him because I want to and it isn't any of your business," I said spitting in his face

He wiped the spit off his face and started choking me harder. He looked closely into my eyes.

" Tell me why you are looking for Kol." the man questioned again

" I am looking for him because he saved me when my mother was killed by a wolf," I explained for some reason

He dropped me suddenly and disappeared...

                                                                                   ~Kol pov~

" BROTHER, who is Sarah Young and why is she in my home?" Elijah demanded I answer right at that moment

" I don't know a Sarah..." then I remember everything and how I killed her mother.

I ran downstairs to see her standing there with a swollen neck. Sarah has changed a lot she has long wavy brown hair, a pale complexion, and dark blue eyes. She was basically gorgeous.

" Um hello, I am Kol," I stated

" Hello I am Sarah and I want to really know what happened the night my mother was killed," Sarah asked

"Well, what do you mean your family was killed by wolves." I lied

" I know that's not the truth and I know you aren't human, you are an Original vampire." Sarah communicated

" Sarah, you don't know what you are getting yourself into," I said honestly

" I am a werewolf Kol, I just haven't turned yet," she said truthfully

" Really, well I guess you deserve to know, well okay so here it is you and your mom were playing in the woods one day, and a vampire came along and attacked your mom and drank her dry. I heard you crying I came up and got rid of the vampire and brought you to safety. That is all that happened Sarah." I said a bit lying

" Well okay, bye I will see you around," she said while walking out
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Question: When will Kol confront Sarah?

Question: When will Kol confront Sarah?

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