~Chapter Eleven~

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(Sarah pov)

I stare at myself in the mirror, my hair was lightly waved and I was dress comfy but cute. Sophia decided to help me get ready for my date with Kol Mikaelson. I never really thought I would date Kol, or even really talk to him. A few months ago, I thought he was just a man, who saved me from my mother's attacker and killer. I look down the stairs and see Kol standing there looking handsome as always.

" Kol are you ready to leave?" I ask sweetly

" Definitely, let go." he says while grabbing my hand

" So where did you decide to take me?" I ask confused o to where we are driving

" Some where you will love, just trust me." Kol says confidently

I stare out the window looking as the trees go by so fast, we pull up to a beautiful house in the woods. I wonder why Kol brought me to this gorgeous house. Kol grabs my hands and pulls me around the porch. What I see shocks me, there sitting there on the porch was a beautifully set table, with candle and flowers around it. I turn around and hug Kol. We go to sit down, Kol being the gentle man he is pulled out my chair for me.

" So Kol tell me about yourself?" I question curiously

"Well, what do you want to know?" he asks back

" What is the worst thing you have ever felt?" I ask quietly

"Well you see about 10 years ago, I couldn't really control being a vampire. When I came back from the dead there was side effects. All I would ever think about is killing someone. I hurt so many people, some I regret killing more than others. Sometimes I still can't control it." Kol says sadly

" Whatever you did Kol you will get passed it. Ever since I have meant you I felt happier than I have ever been." I say while rubbing his hand with my thumb

Kol brought me inside the house because it was getting cold and it started to storm. when we got inside I thanked Kol for everything. I walk in to the front room after making us some coffee to warm us up, well to make me warm Kol is a vampire so. Kol and me just stand and stare at the peaceful forest, and listen to the winds blow freely.

" Sarah, I have something to ask you?" Kol ask nicely

" yes Kol." I answered while turning around to face him

" Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" Kol asked sweetly

" Kol I would love to be your girlfriend." I say while he kisses me

We decided to go to bed, we were staying at the house in the woods overnight then heading home early tomorrow morning. Kol pulls me close and go to sleep. I wake up and get out of the bed, I make a class of coffee and look out the window. Out here you feel so free, you feel the wind in your hair while you run, when your breath the air is so cool it is refreshing. I really don't want to go back to the French Quarter, so much drama happens there. Sometimes I wish I could have just grown up with a mom and my brother and father. If that happened I would have never meant Sophia, or the Mikaelson, but the biggest part is never meeting Kol.

I can't lie I am falling in love with Kol, I felt an instant connection to him. At first, we didn't meet on good terms but now look at us. I really don't know what we are going to do about Derek, some people are saying a war is coming. Also, some people are saying Derek is more powerful than Klaus. If Derek wants a war we will give him a war. I will never stop fighting him. Even if I had to give in to him so the rest of my family to live, I wouldn't stop fighting. There is nothing else for him to break, I have been broken. I could care less if I was broken again I would keep fighting.

Now there are people I must protect no matter what I care about mostly every one that has come in to my life so far. there is Rebekah, she is like a sister I have always wanted and someone I would do anything for. then there is Klaus, lately I have thought of him as a father figure so he is my family and family you never give up on. Elijah I didn't get along with at first with but he has shown he cares and now I care. then we have Sophia in these last few days I have grown close to her, she saved my life and that I owe to her. My boyfriend, Kol I would die for him to be happy and to live his life. if I had to let them all go I would, but only if I really had to.

Kol and me were on our way back from the house in the woods. I roll my suitcase Kol packed me down the hallway to my room. I hear heavy breathing coming from behind my door. I open the door to see Sophia passed out on the floor with her neck broken. I see a little piece of paper on the floor next to her. I pick up the note and read it:

Dear Sarah

When you get this letter, you will be getting back from you date with Kol. I hope you were happy for a day because that is all about to change. I also like how you made Sophia leave my house, she was my sister and you took her from me. Now she gets the punishment, it will be bloodier next time if you do something I don't like. I have many plans Sarah, I want you in my plans. I don't want to hurt my own sister but if I must I will. Sarah this is my letter saying there is war now, so get ready to lose.

- Derek

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well hello everyone I hope you liked this chapter, I am thinking of writing an Elijah fanfiction. what do you think I should do, I will be continuing this story? Please go follow me, also don't forget to give your feedback and vote on my story. I love you all...

 I love you all

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