~Chapter Twenty-Two~

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(Sarah's POV)

There was no noise, I was in a place with no sound except for the sound of my breath. It was a house, an old Victorian style house. The furniture was covered by old looking sheets. I knew I had been kidnapped, I also knew I had to escape. I saw a window that was boarded shut but it was the best chance to escape.

I grabbed the pieces of wood of the window. Then I punched straight into the window, forgetting the pain that came from the glass piercing my skin. I started to shimmy my way out the window when I felt someone grab my legs. I started to kick my feet then I hit something hard, and I heard a groan.

I look down from the window and it was at least 3 stories down. I had to take the leap, as I was falling I moved my body so I was able land on my feet. Once I landed I noticed my hand was pouring out blood, but I had to keep running. I was almost to the road when I felt something stand inside of me. I turned around and saw Hayden.

" You were just injected with wolfbane Sarah." He whispered in my ear as I fell into his arms and was dragged away.

(Kol pov)

I haven't seen Sarah in two days, I was really worried. I know Sarah went through a hard time after Sophia's death but I couldn't let her decay away. So, I decided to walk into her room but she wasn't there, her bed was unmade and her from was a mess. Where was she I thought.

I loved Sarah with everything I can, I never wanted to let her go. I plan to start a future with her even though I can't let her live a human life like that. I am selfish and I know it, that's why I am fine with it.

(Derek Pov)

I was sitting at my desk thinking about my plans for the future and how everything was giving to go my way. Then I was interrupted by a phone call.

" Hello" I growled out

" Sir Sarah has disappeared, we don't know where she has gone!!" Robin yelled through the phone

I hung up the phone angrily, where the hell can she be now. I have made my men watch her every move since I got out of the brad adds home. Well looks like I will just have to find her myself.

I went to my witch, Davina. Davina was like a double agent she helped me and Klaus.

" So, Davina tell me where Sarah is?" I ask

" We can't track Sarah, it's like she died but we can feel her pull. " Davina cried out

" Don't mess with me Davina, I want you to find her now." I yelled while choking her

(Sarah Pov)

I have been drugged beaten, I was tired but couldn't sleep. My body was dying along with my spirit. Then everything started to go dark.

I was in the woods, and I heard crunching of the gravel. I turned around and saw Sophia. I ran up to her but her body went straight though mine. It was like she couldn't see me but I can see her. Sophia started to walk farther away then she turned around. I turned around with her, and there was Gabriel. Gabriel looked angry like he was going to kill someone.

He walked towards Sophia with an ax. Next it seemed everything went it slow motion, Sophia looks at me and she can actually see me. She said words that gave me hope.
" I will be back."
Hey everyone, I hoped you like that chapter Sophia popped up at the need a little. I never said she was officially dead, but maybe she is. Please vote and comment, also go follow me !!

Question: Is Sophia really dead?

Question: Is Sophia really dead?

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