~Chapter Seventeen~

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(Sarah's POV)

It was fall, Mystic Falls was beautiful is the fall. We have been here for two days now and today being the day I am to meet Tyler Lockwood. I heard he is a wolf or hybrid with a story. So, Elena thought I should sit and listen to this story.

Right now, I am waiting, I have been waiting for 1 hour. It started to rain, I needed to leave before it got to stormy. I started to walk and then I felt someone grab my shoulder. I turn around and see a man about my age. He had black hair, and had an athletic build. I bought this must be Tyler Lockwood.

" So, sorry for making you wait so long, I got held up." He apologized

" Well it's okay, do you want to go somewhere inside?" I questioned sweetly

" Yeah, there is a place I used to hang out down the road." He said while walking down the street leading me

We sat down at the table and decided to order food and a drink. A waiter walked up to us sweetly.

" Hi I'm your waiter for the night my name is Adam." He said cockily

" Well I would like just a normal hamburger and a Sprite." I asked while giving my menu to him

Tyler ordered and then Adam looked back at me with a grin then walked away.

" So, you want to start with your story?" I ask sweetly

(Tyler POV)

" Well it all started when my uncle came into town after my dad's death. He gave me a family member to feel loved by. Then he started acting weird and I realized he needed a stone called a moon stone. He betrayed me but still cared. Then I heard if a curse caked the sun and moon curse, made by Klaus. Klaus made it to find the doppelgänger, Elena. When Klaus showed up everything turned to hell. He killed me, because k was the only werewolf in town to try making a hybrid. That happened then I became sired to him, it was horrible I lose my friends and girlfriend. I don't realize Klaus loved Caroline. I got unaired after turning hundred times. Let just say Klaus was pissed and killed the whole pack. Next, he couldn't find me and he drowned my mother to death, then Caroline died, and I went off the deep end." Tyler sighed

" I'm so sorry that happened to you." Sarah muttered

" Well now I want to hear your story." I state

Sarah told me everything, I know her mom wasn't killed by a werewolf, maybe a vampire. Sarah is a lot like younger me, but now she is being tortured in her own body. Sarah got up and left to go to bath room. She hasn't been back for like 10 mins now, where is she?

(Sarah's POV)

I saw Adam, the waiters back. He was holding a girl up to himself. He faces was in her neck, I decided I need to get out of there. I started to walk away when I felt a drift of air fly past me. I look forward and there is an Adam covered with blood. I turn the other way and start to run.

" Where do you think, you are going Sarah?" Adam whispered in my ear

" What do you want?" I said scarily

" I want you dead, you have caused enough problems." He stated before biting into my neck, I screamed but he covered my mouth so it only sounded muffled.

He kept sucking my blood, I started to feel dizzy. Then I saw Tyler grab Adam by the neck and throw him against a wall. Tyler made sure I was okay then went and started attack if Tyler. Adams hand was in Tyler's chest, I wasn't going to let Tyler die. I ran up to Adam and put my hand in through his back and pulled his heart out.

I ran up to Tyler and helped him up. He looked at me with a thankfulness.

" Thank you, Sarah, so much he almost had me there." Tyler thanked

" Of course, I wouldn't let you die." I laughed

" You want to go back home?" Tyler asked sweetly

" Yea let's go!" I yelped and pulled his arm with me

(Klaus POV)

" Hello Derek." I say smugly

" Why am I here Klaus?" Derek ask angrily

" You are here because you are the enemy, and you know what you will not be treated like family anymore." I yelled

I got a knife and pulled it down his skin, I got vervain and poured it all over his cuts. I stuffed wolfs bane in his mouth.

" LET ME GO!!" He said with his hybrid eyes

" No not till you let go of this plan, and just so you know I have killed about half your pack!" I screamed

He yelled and screamed and then I just licked the door and left....
Hello everyone, well I hope you like this chapter please vote and comment also if you follow me.

Question: Do you think what Klaus is doing is right?

Question: Do you think what Klaus is doing is right?

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