~Chapter Eight~

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(Sarah POV)

I look down at myself I am shaking; my hands are covered in blood. I instantly regretted everything that has happened. Ever since I moved here things have just gone bad, I meant my crazy aunt and she left me, then I meet my brother and he disowns me as a sister, then I sleep with Derek and find out about his evil plans, and then I killed to people in cold blood. The old me would have never would have done this, the old me would be in school right now, with my old boyfriend and friends.

I pick up the bodies I put them in the back of my trunk and drive off to the Mikaelson house. I don't walk in the house I just put the dead bodies in the middle of the wood stack I made. I see a figure approving but I shrug it off, I grab the match and light it. I throw it on the pile of wood and watch the bodies burn. I felt someone grab my shoulder, I turn my head to see Klaus standing there with sadness and anger in his eyes.

" Sarah, did you do this?" the hybrid asked

" Yes, I did, I didn't know what came over me. I just got caught in the moment, everything happened so fast. Nicklaus, I don't know what I am going to do, I am not ready for this." I cried

Klaus wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a caring hug. Not one of those hugs you do with your boyfriend but more like a father. I cried everything out, I just let everything out. Klaus told me about when he first shifted and how his family wouldn't let him shift so they put a curse on him. He also told me how he broke the curse and how he got through his first shift.

As I read in my book I remember that every bone in your body breaks and it is one of the worst pains you will ever feel. I sat down on the floor and opened the book to see more pages were added, they were pages about the evil hybrid.

The hybrid will bring destruction he will make a pack of hybrids. Then A child will be born, this child will be powerful and will either cause destruction or love. We must start with the organ of the hybrid.

He came from a small pack in New Orleans, he was happy. He had everything a mom and a dad and his siblings. He had a future wife that he planned to love with all his heart, that was until he heard the girl was taken some where far away. As the young wolf got angry he killed his family, except his siblings they got away just in time. Now just turned werewolf he looked for a mentor. The boy came open the original hybrid. Klaus Mikaelson turned multiple people with doppelgänger blood, he trained his hybrids to be loyal. Then one broke the sire bond and then more and more started breaking the bond to Klaus.

Finally, they rebelled against Klaus and almost killed every original, they looked for a leader and found the new mighty hybrid.

So that is how he became who he was, he wants an evil child from me. Well that's not ever going to happen, I would never bring a child in to this messed up world. I walk into the house to see Kol sitting on the couch looking blankly at the wall. He looked like he was in deep thought, I walk up to him and tap his shoulder. He turns his head and looks at me with a pitiful look.

" How are you not freaking out right now Sarah?" Kol asked

" I can't focus on that right now, I need to figure everything out." I said weekly

" Sarah, it's not good to hold stuff back, you can cry it out, but that still doesn't help a person they need to get angry." Kol stated

" Kol that won't happen to me, I am not angry." I said harshly

" Sarah let out all the pain you have come open since you arrived!" Kol yelled

I saw a chair and I grabbed it and threw it against a wall. I cried and let every ounce of pain and anger I was feeling. Kol looked angry to, he picked up the table and threw it across the quarter smashing it to pieces. I looked at Kol in shock they he saw me staring and walked slowly up to me. He put his hand on my face and gently ran it down my face. He looks at me with curiosity, then he kissed me.

" I don't like you being with other men Sarah." he said angry while continuing kissing me

Kol picked me up and gently placed me in his bed then got in himself and wrapped his arms around me.
Hi people, I am sorry I haven't updated in a while. It's just I think I shouldn't continue the story because people tell me they like my other stories more, but I decided not to care what those people think I know I have people who like my story and I like writing it so if you don't like it just quit reading it.... I love all my true readers please go follow me. Also vote and comment. We have a guest coming to our story 

 We have a guest coming to our story 

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