Chapter Six: New Surprises

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    The next Monday, in the morning before school, I was walking around in the woods b my house. Just weaving my way between the oak, beech, and pine trees, even an occasional birch or popple. I was completely zoned out, just absorbing the sounds of the forest, the creatures alive around me. There is a loud snap of a small branch. It was not new for me to walk in the woods, but it was almost never a good sign when branches started snapping like this, so I whipped out a small bag of salt and my small sword, that yes, I keep with me, even on a walk in the woods. We have had bears, and once even an infestation of vengeful spirits in an ancient, dilapidated storage shed when we first got to the property.

    After pulling my waepons out, I stand, ready for an attack. I see nothing out of the usual. Then I hear a very, very large animal running from way behind me, by probably 150 yards, but it moves quickly. I instantly scrabble up into the high branches of an oak. The lowest branch is nearly ten feet off the ground, though, and I am not the best at the shimmying-up-a-tree part of climbing. I hardly reach a branch just over twenty five feet from the ground before the running stops about fifteen yards  from where I stood only a few moments ago.

    I scrabble to keep my footing and grip on the surrounding branches and leaves. I try to see the animal, and am worried by the thought that it could be the high level werewolf. At this, I lean too far and start to plummet towards the ground. I close my eyes, throwing my hands out in every which direction, hoping deserately that I can grab a branch. For less than a second, my left hand finger tips finds purchase. Then that branch snaps and I am tumbling towards the ground again. A sideways glance shows me that an enormous black wolf was soaring through the air, straight at me. But just before the wolf can pull me from the air, I land.

    My bones should have snapped, my head broken open. But instead, I realize, I am in someone's warm arms. They hold me close, as if I were the most important thing in the world. The arms are solid, strong, but gentle. I feel a wave of pleasure. I am held so carefully, as if I were as fragile as a glass object.

    I hear my dad shouting, but I don't hear what he says. I hear several voices, but I do not register who they belong to. I look up at my savior, the one who stopped my death.  Realization dawns on me, and I cannot believe who it is. I start blushing when he asks if I am alright.

    "Um, yeah. . . Thanks for saving me Castiel," I stammer.

    "No problem," He grins, not letting go yet. I am nervous, and know that I should be lowered to the ground, part of me is annoyed that he won't put me down. But another part of me doesn't ever want to let go.

     We looked into each other's eyes, akwardly. Castiel tarted to lean his face towards mine-

    "Hm-hm," my dad fortunately cleared his throat. 

    Castiel whispered in my ear, "Your father doesn't like me very much," as he set me down.

    "Did anyone else see the huge wolf that was trying to rip me to shreds?!" I ask alarmed, trying to break the awkward silence.

     "Yes, but I was more concerned of your sudden balance issues," Castiel says unhelpfully. 

    "Yeah, I saw both occurances. Did you seriously not see it before hand, Ellen?" My dad speaks gruffly, still glaring at Castiel.

    "I heard it, but it was farther away. When I heard it getting close faster and faster, I climbed the tree. I heard it stop about fifteen yards away, but I lost my balance trying to see. So I, well you saw. . . Did either of you see what direction it went in?"

     Castiel points towards the North East. "I am going to track it, but I was trying to check on you, first-"

    "Then get going already!" Dad shouts.

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