Chapter Seventeen: Abyzou, Taker of Children, and Mitch

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    Just a short update for you :)


   "Care to explain why you are at school on a weekend during no extra curricular events, making out in my office?" Principal Wrillen glowers down his beak like nose at us.

    Even the best training in deception could not provide a decent enough lie for this. And what was I supposed to say? 'Hey, we are just waiting for my dad to get back from a possible paranormal showdown, so we decided to play some paranormal spin the bottle and seven minutes in heaven mash up.' Really? I don't think it would work too well, to be quite honest.

    "It was so worth the detention you will undoubtedly be giving your students," Cas puts out there. Beth, Darryl and I all turn and glare daggers at him.

    "And who are you, exactly?" Wrillen seems so confused, I can hardly keep my laughter in.

    "A concerned donator to the school. Your desk does not provide much support, and I am sure the same could be said about all of the tables and desks in this school. I will donate 20,000 American Dollars to the school in order to remodel, plant a few more apple trees, and get some better supporting chairs. Maybe we can then discuss a garden out front? I think it would look quite nice if you were interested in sprucing up the parking lot." Castiel as a donator of the school? What on Earth has this world come to? And are all Fey, royalty or no, so loaded? 

    Regardless, Wrillen quickly offers that, "There won't be any detentions given out today, as long as I don't see this happenign again, and you are all out before the janitors get here in a few hours!" I should have thought about bribing Wrillen, but I don't have that sort of money, anyways. "So when can we get started on the gardens?"

    "As soon as all the snow has meltedaway from this upcoming winter. We could try some sort of blossoming cherry tree. It would look so nice," Cas leads Wrillen out of the office area, to go talk about gardening, and returns about 20 minutes later, looking exasperated.

    "What you said about the desk not having support-"I start to ask, because we hadn't quite made it that far into our time of the game.

    "We can pick up where we left off and find out," Cas starts to waggle his eyebrows, and just as I am about to respond, Darryl pipes up.

    "Just get it over with and let me get my turn, please."

    James starts cackling, and I actually found myself disconserted by the startling sound from such a . . . well male, and masculine . . . male. Bethany starts laughing, almost as hard, and soon enough, we are all laughing. While the others become distracted, Cas grabs me by the wrist and leads me straight to Wrillen's desk.

    "i know for a fact he won't mind," Castiel states with  confidence when I raise and eyebrow.

    Next thing I know, my butt is on top of the desk, and Castiel has moved his hands to my waist. He catches my eyes before moving his mouth to mine. First our lips only brush softly, but his kisses grow more urgent, as if he is tryign to communicate that he needs help with something thorugh our physical touching. And no, I am not talking about help with physcially sexual frustrations. I mean a legitimate problem, as in life and death.

    Just as my mouth opens, and his tongue moves jsut past my lips, I break away.

    "What's wrong. Cas?"

     "The fact that we have never done this before. We were meant to be, even when we were only friends at a young age."

    "Are you saying that you think we are . . . soul mates? And that is not what I meant, and you know it!"

    Cas plops down next to me, on Principal Wrillen's desk.

    "I can't tell you . . . but I hope your dad makes it back, and soon."

    "Holy- Cas, where did you send my father?"



    "I am legitimatelly being serious, Ellen. Your brother was taken to Hell by a demon. By the demon that trades the souls of children for power. They call him Abyzou. The literal translation is 'taker of children.' That is why your father wanted to be the only one to go after your brother. We are all technically aged below 18, so we all count as children."

    "My father could still be-"

    "Killed, yes, but his soul can't be taken. He hopes to destroy Abyzou. Have you hear of a movie called 'The Possession'?"

    "The one from 2012?"

    "Yes. Abyzou is like that, but much, much worse, and he cannot be trapped in a box like in a silly horror film."

     Of course I had seen it! It was one of Beth's favorite new movies in the horror genre. How could my brother have been taken by such a  horrible creature? This was far worse than any of us had imagined. It was far worse than my brother, Mitch, being killed by a  rabid werewolf.

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