Chapter Twelve: Movies, Terror, And More Blood To Come

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Two Weeks Later:

   Dad is starting to get sick of me frantically pacing around the house, sick of me being so restless. He is getting sick of Joe groaning all the time in frustration. He is sick of the way Kayla looks at him lately, from getting treated so harshly for running away several weeks ago. Joe is sick of the same things, except that he can hardly stand Dad's complaints about the Fey and werewolves at the moment. Kayla is annoyed with the three of us for the lack of attention, and God only knows what else. I am sick of all of us, all of this. We are all exhausted and hardly get any time to ourselves lately. Most importantly, we all just frickin' want MItch back. We have no new leads and Castiel is still out, as far as I am concerned. One of us is bound to explode any day now.

   "You should call Bethany, go see a movie or something. You haven't seen any of your friends in ages, Ellen," Dad sighs, rolling his eyes at my pacing.

 "Fine, I will walk to her house and see if she wants to go see anything."

    "What do you mean by walking all the way out there?! Do you even realize how far away she lives? You can use my truck, I suppose." He sighs.

    So I get in the truck after grabbing my wallet and stuffing it into one of my pockets. When I head out, there is another Pickup already on the side of the road, pulled over. I come up behind it, before shutting off the engine to my dad's truck. I hop out of the cab and go around to the front of the other truck. It turns out to be Darryl's Ford.

    "Having problems, Darryl?" I call out.

    "Yeah, engine overheated and the battery died," he shouts back.

    "I have water in the back end, and I can give you a jump with that battery, if you want," I offer.

    "Thanks, but no thanks. It is an old engine that I have replaced three times. I need a new battery altogether, so I think it's going to take more than a bottlee or two of water and a jump. But thanks anyways."

     "Can I give you a lift somewhere , then?"

     "You don't happen to be going to the theater tonight, do you?"


    When I pull up to Bethany's house, she is already waiting, and comes rushing out. She automatically moves to get into the passenger seat, but realizes someone is already there. Surprised, she begins to scowl, and he immediately moves into the small space in the back, right behind the seats. Bethany hops into the truck, with a raised eyebrow, when she looks at me, then glances at Darryl.

    "And this is?" as she nods at him.

     "Bethany, this is Darryl. Darryl, Bethany." I nod between the two of them.

    "So this is the famous Daryyl. Hmm . . ." I give her a dirty glare, that immediately shuts her up.

    "Darryl was having car problems and was actually going to the movies, too." I stare at Bethany for a second my eyes of the road for a mere second when the deer runs in front of us. 

     "Look out!" Bethany shreiks, as Darryl ducks behind us, armsaround his head, in a protective ball.

    I swerve out of the way at the last second, and we all sigh, simultaneously, as I pull the truck to a stop. Darryl, Bethany, and I breathe heavily for several minutes before I put the truck back in drive.

    I try to think of a smart remark, but epicly fail. All of my nerves feel like they are on end, and my hands shake a little as I pull into the road again. The one advantage of being in no man's land still is that nobody else was arounf to see what happened.

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