Chapter 4

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~Previously where we left the girls, just after they almost crashed landed and are about to enter to Big Apple~

It was the beginning of day-break when the girls woke up after a tiring day they had yesterday. But today was a new day. They were gonna explore the new city that they came across the other night.

All of them gathered up their stuff and began walking towards to city. But with them being mutants and all, they stayed in the alleyways and shadows, because they didn't know if the people there excepted their kind.

"Ugh this is so boring, I can hardly see anything in this place. Why can't we go somewhere with a better view?" Amy jumped to a fire-escape and looked to her sisters and best friend.

"Amoly you know why we can't, we dont know if the people here will except us" said Venus. They all slithered(?) to the next alley.

"Duh I know that, its just why can't we just like go the the roof or somethin?" Amy replied with an eye roll.

"Actually that's a good idea. If we go up to the roof, we can see more of the city and look for someplace to stay. Besides the buildings are so tall no one would see us from that far up" pointed out Taly.

"Ok let's.... " but before Vee could say anything Lara was already climbing up to the roof, followed by Amy and Taly.

"Guys? Your supposed to wait for me! Guys!" Pouted Vee, then she started to climb up after her friends.

Once Venus got up to the roof, the others were just standing there with their mouths agape. Vee soon joined them. What they saw was the most beautiful thing ever.

The city was breathtaking, with all the skyscrapers and the sun in the perfect spot.

"Wow..... Its so PRETTY!" gaped Amy astounded. The rest nodded in agreement.

"Oh stop being so girly Amy" huffed the Samurai.

While they stood there they didn't notice a giant dog and a fish with legs creeping towards them.

"Ha Ha! We've got you now turtles. Prepare to be dismembered" cackled the fish. The girls turned around to see who had spoken.

The fish and the huge dog gulped when they noticed these were not the turtles they knew.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Glared Venus as she drew open her tessens.

"Their mutants like us" whispered Amy to Talena.

The two new mutants just stood there. This is awkward, what do we do? Do we attack or let then go?. Thought the dog.

"What are yah Deaf or somethin? She asked you a question!" Growled Lara, while pointing one of her Kama's and taking a step towards them.

"Uh sorry miss, my name Xever or fishface. And dog breath over there is Bradford or Dogpound." Smirked the fish in a salty voice. The dog growled at his companion.

"Ok what do you want?" Venus asked again, getting agitated.

"Ah well we thought you were these other turtles. And we were gonna attack you, but now that we know your not them we won't attack." Explained Xever.

"Wait there are more turtles here? And why would you attack them?" Asked Talena.

"Let's just say that their our enemy's and yes there are more turtles in New York." Said Bradford in a gruff voice.

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