Chapter 13

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They all fell silent opon hearing that one word.

"What? We've known her since we were kids, she'd never do something like that!" Amy shouted in disbelief.

"Well she did.... " Lara whispered.

"This doesn't make any sense! She's like family to us... Why would she betray You like that?" Taly grumbled frustrated.

"I Don't Know!" Larota shouted angrly.

"I think I might have an idea why.. " Hopu stated, all eight of them looked to her. "Remember when I told you about Nayichu and that she collected magical items... Well she might have used her stolen magic to corrupt Venus's mind"

"T-that monster... " Amoly ground out angrily and balled her fists at her sides.

"Stop moping and start thinking of a way to get her back" Raph crossed his arms and smirked looking at the girls.

"What do you suggest we do?! Run around the city?" Exclaimed Lara standing up.

"Larota! Calm yourself, we will think of a plan to get her back.. But first we have to think of a way to even get her to come with us. Remember, Venus could be under mind control or something" Talena exclaimed loudly slamming her hands on the table.

"Besides your arm is still injured even if we made up a plan, you wouldn't be able to come with us" Leo pointed out.

"I Don't Care About My Stupid Arm! I Just Want To Get My Bestfriend Back!" Lara yelled back.


Everyone stilled and looked at Master Splinter.

"We will start to formulate a plan to save Venus and stop Nayichu.. Larota, I would like for you to start meditating with me and I have some herbal remedies that may or may not help speed up the healing process for your arm."

They all nodded in agreement.

~Time Skip~

Almost a full week has gone buy since they found out about Venus's disappearence. They made a plan to go get her, but there were still some tweeks they need to make it fullproof. During that time Master Splinter started Lara on the remedies and meditating to help her arm, which it did, the only thing was that her arm was slightly sore. So she was almost ready to fight again, but Leo and the rest of them wanted her to take it easy until the real fight.

"I want to Sparr today"

"What?" Talena asked looking up from her coffee.

"I said I want to Sparr... Specifically with you" Larota clarified. Taly gave her a dumbfounded look.

"But you never want to Sparr with me, you only Sparred with Venus or Olly.." The violet turtle said.

"Well.. Can't I sparr with my sister? And besides... I miss us hanging out together.. After you got all into your science and all that.. We hardly ever hung out" The Samurai admited softly. "Besides, your the only one that would be willing to Sparr, everyone else is too scared of hurting me"

"What about Raph? I thought you liked hanging out with him" Taly replied with a tiny smirk. Lara coughed and blushed slightly.

"Uh I well... Umm.. Shut Up! Raph Is Busy with Casey talking about boy stuff and whatever" Lara grumbled out and crossed her arms over her plastron

Taly just made that uh huh yah right face.

"Okay, so lets go Sparr then"

They both walked to the dojo in silence and got into position and on the count of three they began.

"Soo. What is going between you and Raph, Lara" Taly grunted as she went to throw a fake punch and tried to kick Larota's legs.

"N-nothings going on between us Tal.. He's just my friend... What about you and Donnie huh? You two seem to be getting pretty close" Lara changed the subject to her younger sister as she jumped over Talena's leg and went to kick Taly in the chest, but rolled out of the way.

"Well.. I don't know.. Like I'm still getting over Olly... But Donnie is soo sweet and lets me help with his experiment's and totally gets me" The younger sighed as she dodged out of the way of Lara's fist. "But I think he likes April.. "

The conversation ended at that and they continued to Sparr until they both were tired out. But little did they know that two certain pranksters over heard the entire conversation.

"We totally have to get Raph and Lara together, and Taly and Donnie" Amoly snickered to her orange banded counterpart.

"Finally something we can agree on, lets do it!" Mikey whispered back.

"Amy? Mikey? What are you to doing? Please not be planning another prank war against eachother, it just ends up in someone else getting pranked." Talena scolded her younger sister and Mikey, as She and Lara walked out of the dojo.

"We're not... Just... Uh talking about a new tv show we found, right Mikey?" Amoly thought quickly.

"Uh yah right! We're totatlly not planning anything!" Mikey yelled slightly. Lara and Taly looked at each other not completely believing them, but left them be.

Amy and Mikey waited for the older girls to leave before they ran off to Mikey's room.

"Okay who should we get together first?" Amy asked Mikey.

"How about Taly and Donnie, they'll be easier" Mikey said.

"Okay then its settled, plan Date is ready to begin!"


Yay i finaly updated!

I just wanted to thank each and everyone of you guys for reading this and supporting me! Cause with out you This story wouldnt be here!

Also my offer is still up if you guys want me to write in an OC of yours into the story!

Vote, Comment and stuffs!


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