Chapter 10

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~No one's POV~

It's been about a week since the girls and their sensei unexpectedly moved to New York City and met four mutant turtles as themselves.

They all have more or less gotten used to living with each other. All of them have been getting along pretty well, especially Larota and Raph. After the little Samurai fiasco, they actually found out that they had a lot incommen. Other then being hotheads, they both love reading comics and working on cars.

Amoly and Mikey sorta got along with each other, but they mostly challenged each other to prank wars and were very competitive.

Taly didn't really hang out with any body, she was still getting over the death of her childhood crush, Oliver. But she did hang out with Donnie and Leo for a few minutes a day.

Venus was acting the strangest. Usually she was always happy or at least smiled. But now she's always sitting in the dojo mediating or brooding.

They didn't hang out as much, because for one the boys had patrol and Sensei Hopu let the girls go except Lara because of her arm.

Right now all were training and sparring, while The two Sensei's watched their students. Lara was doing simple kata's that wouldn't strain her arm. Mikey and Venus switched weapons, so did Raph and Amoly, also Donnie and Leo. Talena was at the punching bag working on hand movements and kicks.

"Okay that is enough for today students. The rest of the day you have off." Splinter stated as Raph got tangled up in Amy's manriki for the twelfth time.

They all nodded and left the dojo, and went to the kitchen to get a small snack. Except Venus, who stayed in the dojo mediating.

"Is... Is Venus Always like this?" Leo asked the girls.

"Not really... She's usually quite happy and hangs out with all the time. Its usually Lara that's all brooding and wants to be alone" Said Amy getting a glare from Larota.

"She's not wrong... It's probably her mourning Olivers death.. We all have our own ways of dealing. Hers is just meditating." Replied Taly. The rest nodded.

After they had their little snack, they all split up and went to hang out with their chosen person. Which was Lara and Raph, Mikey and Amy, Taly and Donnie. Leo went to the dojo and just meditated with Venus, but didn't really hang out.

~With Mikey and Amoly~

The two pranksters were in the living room hanging out, well if you count hanging out as sitting across the room from each other planning their next prank against the other. Amy had a little drawing pad that she nabbed from Donnie's lab, and was using it to draw up her plan. While Mikey was just sitting on the couch with his eyes closed.

'Hehe this is gonna be perfect' Thought the pink banded turtle as she sketched a bucket and pulley system she wanted to set up, so when Mikey walked through it, the bucket would pour pink glitter paint all over Mikey.

Meanwhile Michelangelo imagined just a cream pie that he was going to just throw at Amoly's to cute for her own good face. 'Wait..Did I just think of Amoly's face as cute!? Ewwww!' The youngest of the brother's thought. He just shook his head trying to get that disturbing thought out of his mind.

Mikey then stood up and left the room to go to his own bedroom.

~With Taly and Donnie~

Donnie was showing Talena a couple oh his inventions that he had built when he was just starting to learn how to build things.

"So this is one of my knewer inventions, its called the T-Phone. I think you've already seen Mikey's last week." Donnie explained. Talena nodded but wasn't really paying attention. "Taly? Are you okay?"

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