Chapter 14

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Yay! A mikey and Amy centered chap! Well sorta.. Finaly!

The lair was silent, for everyone was asleep. Well except for the two pranksters of the eight turtles.

"Okay, okay. So how do we start the process to get Don and Taly together? Do we lock them in a room until they confuss their crushes?" Mikey whispered. Amy rolled her eyes and face palmed.

"No you dolt! Have you even been on a date before?" She asked annoyed.

"Well uh... No." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

Amy groaned and shoved her face into her hands.

"Well I guess I'm the one who's gonna be making the plans" She sighed. "Okay Mikey you go to Donnie and have him make something for Taly and plant the idea to ask her on a date, and I'll talk to Taly"

Mikey nodded in slight understanding. The two pranksters then parted ways to start their little plan.

~In the dojo~

"Raph Come On! Im not some dainty Doll, your not gonna hurt me!" Lara shouted as she pushed Raphael away feom her mad.

"Your arms not fully healed!! What if we sparr and I hurt your arm and thej you wont he able to come and help us get Venus back!" Raph countered quickly, his own anger boiling up fast.

"Fuck! You! Forget I even asked you!!" The Samurai growled out and stomped out of the dojo and to the kitchen for a drink. 'Stupid Raph.. Thinking I'm too weak and fragile.. I'll show him!' She thought to herself, crushing the empty bottle in her hand.

"Larota, is everything alright? You seem troubled" Hopu stated calmly as she entered the room.

"Everythings fine sensei... "

"Hey! Lara! Do you by any chance know where Taly is? I need to talk to her about something" Amoly barged into the loudly, almost jumping on top of her older sister.

"Ack! Get off me! And She's with Donnie talkin about science and all that in the lab" Larota pushed Amy away with an amused look at the little ball of energy that was her sister. "What do you need to talk to her about anyway? You can talk to me too you know"

"Oh okay thanks.... And yah I know.. Its just ummm something only Taly can answer for me okay?" Amy forced a giggle.

'Dang it.... How am I supposed to talk to her if shes always with Donnie!? Hmmm Im just gonna have to drag her to do something with me.'

Amoly smiled and walked out of the room slowly and then booked it as she reached the door.

Both Lara and Hopu gave eachother confused glances after seeing the younger leave the room.

"Anyway... Like I said Sensei Im fine, nothing to worry about" Lara said casually.

Hopu gave her a, uh huh yah right, look and Hopu saw a slight blush on her students cheeks.

"Okay, just making sure" Hopu then left the room, leaving Lara with her own thoughts.

~Nayichu's tempary Lair~

Venus was sitting quitely on the floor, waiting for her Masters orders. Fish-face and Dogpound stood off to the side playing some stupid American game and were being lazy and not watching the girl.

"Imbeciles! You are supposed to be gaurding her! Useless!" Nayichu rolled in fuming. The two men stiffened and bowed to their supierior.

"But Mistress.... The girl wont move! She'll only even pay attention to you, I dont think we have to worry about her trying to run away." Fish-face exclaimed while still bowing.

"Idiots! I know she wont leave! You two are to make sure no one comes to retrieve her! From oh I don't know, the other Turtles!" She yelled frustrated.

The two appologised quickly and went to stand nearer to the blue banded turtle.

Nayichu huffed and rolled toward Venus and set her hands on the sides of the turtles head, Venus looked up at her with glazed eyes.

"Not long now... Just gotta wait for your little friends to come and try to rescue you." The older women grinned.

~Venus's Subconcious~

How the hell am I supposed to get out of this?! I really hope that the others come get me.... Wait shit... That what the crazy lady wants... And knowing Lara she's gonna try and come get me at all costs. She can be brash sometimes, but she's too caring..

God I really hope that they figure out its a trap... But for who?

Dammit! If only I could get re control over my body I could send a message... Grrr stupid magic!


Please be carefull my... Family...


Hey! Sorry this is kinda short compared to other chaps but whatever!

Vote! Comment! And Enjoy!

Oh and go check out my other stories! I really need requests for my Voltron One-Shot thing.... So please request and Read!

I love you all!!!!!!!!!

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