Chapter 6

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So here's dah new chap......


Grunts and clashing of metal was heard, but then there was silence.

Once the smoke cleared, none of the turtles could be seen, and fish face and dogpound were left with confused faces.


The turtles were about 7 rooftops away from where they were last. All were panting and breathing heavily from trying to get away so fast. The biggest looking male turtle was the one who carried Larota, since she was unconscious. Once they caught their breath, they all looked at each other.

"Uh hello... Oh and thank you for helping us back there" said Venus to the boys.

"No problem, its what we do" smiled a dark blue-banded turtle. They stood in silence for a moment, until they heard a small groan from Larota, but she didn't wake up. The buff guy set her down on the floor.

"Uhhh.... Well I'm Venus, Venus De Milo" she stuck out her three-fingered hand.

"I'm Leonardo, but you can call me Leo" 'Leo' said shaking Venus's hand. She smiled.

"Hi! I'm Amoly, but everyone mostly calls me Amy" Amoly giggled loudly, moving closer to Venus and Leo.

"That's awesome! I'm Michaelangelo, but my bros call me Mikey" an orange-banded turtle said running over to Amy and giving her a big hug, being the friendly turtle he is. She giggled and hugged back.

"Guess it's my turn, my name is Talena, my nickname is Taly" she said shyly.

"Hi, I'm Donatello, most call me Donnie or Don" said a dark purple turtle, he stepped a little forward and held out his hand to Taly. She took it shyly.

The girls then looked over at the buff turtle, waiting for him.

"Raphael or Raph, doesn't matter" he grunted.

"Its nice to meet you all" smiled Venus. Leo, Mikey and Donnie smiled back, while Raph just rolled his eyes.

"What's her name?" Asked Mikey pointing at the still unconscious Lara.

"Oh that's Larota, hey Taly do you think she's alright? Maybe you should check her" replied Venus.

"Oh! I can't believe I forgot about her!" Taly yelped and rushed over to Lara's side and checked her vitals. They all crowded around them. With Donnie sitting on the other side of Larota.

"Her vitals are good, Uh Oh" Talena said. They all looked confused.

"What do you mean uh oh?" Questioned Amy.

"When Dogpound grabbed her by her broken arm, he crushed it some more. The pain must've been to much, that's why she's unconscious." Talena responded.

"I could probably fix her arm in my lab, if that's ok with you ladies and Leo" said Donnie.

"I'm ok with it" shrugged Leo.

Venus looked at Talena and Amoly and they both shrugged, sorta giving the A ok.

"I agree, let's go to your.... Lab" said Venus nervously, she couldn't tell for sure if she could trust these guys, she'll leave that to Larota since she has a better judge of character.

"Ok let's go, Raph could you get Miss Larota please" said Leo trying to sound polite in front of the ladies.

"Sure, whatever" Raph replied picking Lara back up in his arms bridal style.

So Venus, Amoly and Talena let the men lead them towards their home. But instead of an apartment as their home. They all ended up next to a man-hole cover.

"Uh you live down there?" Talena said with a little disgust in her voice.

"Don't worry, its not as bad as you'd think" said Mikey cheerfully as he removed the man-hole cover and jumped down into the sewers.

Amy and Taly jumped in next, plugging their nose's. Venus was gonna go next, she gave Leo an uncertain look. He just smiled sheepishly, Venus rolled her eyes and jumped down.

Leo jumped next.

"Raph hand me Larota, then you can come down" he said, then Raph handed her down to Leo. Then Raphael climbed down and closed the manhole cover.

Mikey began walking and the girls followed. With Donnie, Leo and Raph in the back. Leo gave Larota back to him.

They kept walking for some time, until Mikey stopped in front of a wall and pulled down on a lever, which opened the wall. The girls gasped as they walked into the boys home. Clearly impressed.

"Raph bring her to my lab so I can fix her arm." Said Donnie walking towards a hallway towards the back of the room.

"Uh if its ok with you, I'd like to help, since you know she's my sister." Talena followed Donnie.

"Sure, that's fine" he smiled. Raph then brought Lara in and layed on a metal table in the middle of Donnie's 'Lab'.

So while Taly and Donnie were fixing Lara's arm, Leo went to introduce the two other girls to Master Spinter.

"Ah so you must be the girls my son's were talking about earlier" said a mutant Rat. Both girls looked at him nervously before answering.

"Uh I'm Venus, and this is Amoly, sir." Muttered Venus.

"Its nice to meet you ladies, you may call me Master Splinter. Wait I thought there were four of you?" Replied Splinter.

"Oh uh, Talena went to help Donnie fix Larota's arm, its broken and she's knocked out" said Amy.

"Hmm I was hoping to talk to all of you, we can wait until... Larota? Wakes up" said the Rat. They nodded in understanding.

"In the mean time, Leonardo, Raphael. Please show them around the lair." Said Splinter.

"Why do I have too? Leo can do it on his own" complained Raph.

"Raphael, you will do as your told" Splinter said sternly.

"Fine... " Raph grunted. Then Leo and Raph (reluctantly) showed the two girls, around.

First they showed them the dojo, then the kitchen, and after that showed them where the rooms were. When they were done they went to the living room, where Mikey was playing video games.

"Hey you girls wanna play?" He asked.

"Sure but we dont know how" said Venus.

"Don't worry, I'll show you how" Mikey said handing them controllers. They played Mario Kart for awhile until Mikey rage quit, because Amy kept beating him.

They were about to start a new game, when Donnie and Talena came out of the lab.

"How's Lara?" Asked Vee, looking at her Friend.

"She'll be fine, she is just gonna have to wear a cast for awhile." Taly replied.

After teaching Talena how to Mario Kart, all of them were playing, except Raph, cause he thought it was stupid.

And Hour later thry all were tired and looking forward to some sleep, but the girls didn't know where they were gonna sleep.

"I've made some cotts for you ladies in the dojo, until we get you your own rooms." Said Master Splinter showing them the cotts.

"Thank you" the girls said. Then they all went to sleep. Lara was still unconscious in the lab.


Omg guys sorry this chapter sucked, it was just a filler chap.

I promise the next one will be better and better written.

Later ninjas (°ー°〃)

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