Chapter 3

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Amoly was the first one up the next morning, for awhile she just sat there looking off into space. Thinking about food.

After about 10 minutes the rest of the girls woke up, and very grumpy from sleeping on the hard ground.

"Grr I hate sleeping on the ground" groaned the samurai as she popped her back.

"I think we all do Lara, but until we can find an actual bed. We're stuck with the floor." Frowned Vee.

"Speaking of beds, when are we gonna go find someplace to live? Like, I love camping but I don't want to stay outside all the time." Exclaimed Amoly.

"Well I was thinking we could fly some more in the helicopter, and then look for a place." Volunteered Taly.

"That sounds good, what do you think Lara?" Questioned Venus.

"Sure, I don't care as long as we fine someplace with a bed and indoor plumbing." Lara grunted.

"Ok, But first we must find food. I'M STARVING!" whined the youngest of the group.

"She's right, I am a little hungry." Added Taly.

"Ok, split up and go search for some berries and nuts. Then meet back here in an hour, sound good?" Said Venus in her leader voice. The three nodded in agreement and went separate ways to find food.

~Time Skip~

An hour later the four girls met back up to see how much food they had gathered all together.

It was a descent amount of food between the four of them. It wasn't a big meal, but just enough for them not to be super hungry. Besides they were used to not eating very much for missions.

"I think we're good, we should get going." said Vee as she stood up.

They all piled into the helicopter, with Vee and Taly in the front and Amy and Lara in the back. It took less time the last time to start up the helicopter, because first they weren't in a hurry and second, Taly knew what she was doing.

"Ooh ooh let's play I spy, while we wait" giggled Amy.

"Uhg I am not playing that stupid game Amoly" Lara said rolling her eyes.

" Aww come please Lara" pleaded Amy.

"No" growled Larota and turned to face the other direction.

"I'll play with you Amy" sighed Venus. "I spy with my little eye something brown"

"Ooh is it Talena's bō staff?" Amy answered.

"Yep, ok now your turn" said Vee.

"Um I spy something green" giggled Amoly.

"Oh, uh is me?" asked the blue terrapin.

"Hehe nope"


"Wrong again"



"Ok, my turn" replied Vee.

This went on for another hour. And durning that time Taly and eventually Larota started to play. But Lara soon quite, because Amoly keep spying her.

About an hour after that the helicopter started sputtering and making weird noises.

"Uh Taly whats goin' on!" cried out Amy.

"Uh oh, I think we're out of gas" panicked Talena. Then the helicopter just stopped working, and fell through the sky.

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