Vol 4 - Chapter 27 - This is War

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Because Hifumi's expeditionary force had to replenish their supplies at Fokalore, they used the time to spend a night there. Deep in the night a group of about 20 people secretly left the city.
It was the third unit led by Alyssa.
For the sake of an advance mission, they went ahead and moved towards the national border.

"So, the reason is to kill the careless border company under cover of the night." (Hifumi)

For some reason the commander of the forces, Hifumi, was running as vanguard ahead of the third unit.

"I think usually you would wait with starting until both sides gathered their troops, but ..." (Alyssa)

The one following right behind Hifumi was Alyssa.
Moreover, three rows side-by-side consisting of the 21 troops of the third unit came after them.
Including them, all of the expeditionary force were given orders by Hifumi to act in three-man-cells.

"Discard the usual way of thinking. It's not like we have to particularly watch out for some promise. No matter what you do while at war, the victorious side is justified. Don't forget that the losing side has to yield everything to the winner." (Hifumi)

"I-I'm sorry ..." (Alyssa)

Aiming to suppress any sound, all of them were walking.
Hifumi wore something similar to order-made zouri¹ produced in this world as footwear. For all of the others he came up with the ingenious idea to attach cotton to the shoe sole of their boots in order to restrain the sound of foot steps.
Even so, although the foot steps of the troops were audible in their own way, Hifumi's practically couldn't be heard.

"Everybody, listen." (Hifumi)

Inserting a break during the walking, they had only half of the way left before arriving at the national border as dawn was closing in.
Everyone was breathing heavily. Only Hifumi was lightly breathing and remained calm.

"After this we will extinguish Vichy's war potential until dawn breaks. Before you are noticed by the enemy, kill them swiftly and in a reliable way. Everybody, take out your knives." (Hifumi)

Without hesitation all troops followed the order and pulled out their knives from their waist.
The backhand grip of the knives was a custom made article and had a single edge which was new to this world.
Of course, Alyssa took out the same as well.

"Just as you were taught. Predict the visual field of your opponent. Only aim at the throat. Don't make any sound. Don't raise your voice." (Hifumi)

While speaking Hifumi raised for each point a finger. Everyone nodded in silence.

"You were told the strategy before departure, there won't be any changes. Go!" (Hifumi)

Without using any light, they vanished in turn, 3 soldiers each, in the direction of the border.

"I am off." (Hifumi)

After making sure everyone left, Hifumi took Alyssa and went towards the border.
Different from the other troops, he boldly charged in from the front.
At the border fortress, there was a pathway going through on the Orsongrande's side. Two soldiers were standing guard. The shining of the flickering and swaying torchlight could be seen.
Perhaps the rumors about going to war had already reached up to here. While paying undue amount of attention to the boundary to the Vichy side, they appeared to be quite tense.
There was no particular movement on the other side. The previously passing troops obviously had crossed the border without being noticed.

"Good work." (Hifumi)

When they were suddenly greeted, they couldn't help it but turn around.
In front of their eyes, Alyssa led by Hifumi appeared without holding any kind of light source.

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