"Are you hungry? My refrigerator is packed full of food."
"No that's okay." Ora denied Percy's persistent offerings of food as they slowly walked up the two sets of stairs to Percy's room.
When they arrived at Percy's room, she slammed the door as soon as Ora took a seat on her bed.
"Ora! Where on earth have you been the past few days?! I've been calling you, texting you, emailing you, messaging you on all the social medias, and I even tried to charm up one of your brothers to tell me where you went! You have a lot of explaining to do!"
Percy's voice really did startle her. She acted so nice and offering toward Ora when they were outside of her room. Percy really was quite the actress.
"Okay, just take a seat and I will tell you everything."From when Ora started talking to by the time had finished, Percy's expression had turned from anger and concern to giggly and excited.
"You should've kept me updated on all of these romantic details! I'm so happy for you! Ya know, I've always kinda thought you and Klaus would make an adorable couple."
A change of facial expression on Ora's face was enough for Percy to recognize 'couple' was a strong term for the moment.
"You guys aren't a couple yet are you?"
"Not really. It feels like we are, but we never really discussed it or designated the labels."
A moment of thought brought an unexpected flush of frustration to Ora's face.
"I don't really want to talk about it anymore. Hey is it cool if I stay the night?" Ora looked a bit depressed and she didn't seem to want to go home to cold leftovers and smelly brothers.
"Of course! It's Saturday night so my mom is probably going to be out getting tipsy as always. And since summer is starting, I need someone to break out the pool with me."Ora and Percy sat in the pool leaning on the edge. Percy took out her phone and snapped a couple pictures of them in front of the sunset illuminating in the background. Then they continued to splash around and make fun of practically everything that popped into their heads. Then Ora decided to get out of the water and to climb up onto the diving board. Percy squealed and cheered her on to jump. But being up there made Ora shiver. The water gave her flashbacks of the kissing and nuzzling that Klaus filled her with down at the docks of his lake house. Ora jumped. The wind pushing the droplets of water from her skin into the air. As she crashed down into the water she felt her face become pressurized. And coming out of that water was like an awakening. She realized her priorities. She knew what she wanted with Klaus.
"What movie do you want to watch?" Percy stood in a purple dinosaur one-zey in front of a closet filled with huge collection of movies with a wide variety.
"Hmm.. something girly and stupid." Ora lay on a huge king size blow up mattress next to Percy's bed wearing a matching green dinosaur one-zey.
"Clueless it is."
Percy ran and slid on the polished wood floor of her room over to her 78" flat screen television and slid the movie into the DVD player right next to it. She then ran over and dived onto her bed. Both girls situated themselves to a comfortable position and Ora clapped the lights off to increase the theater affect of the movie.

RomanceFor as long as she could remember, Ora Style had an everlasting love for her friend, Niklaus Bruchec. As she starts to take action to gain his love, Niklaus will discover an unknown desire for Ora. COMPLETED NOVEL