Ora and Klaus' romance was crazy. It's strength never faltered for the next few weeks. They went to parties, movies, carnivals, and double dates with Percy and Simon. And finally the week before the Fourth of July came. This was Ora's favorite holiday because it was also her birthday.
Ora sat on the couch next to her front door awaiting Klaus' car to pull up. Her hands twitched as she grew impatient. Her mind started to wander and she started to daydream.
She was running across a blue and purple room. She jumped on top of a table and boosted herself up to catch a light hanging from the ceiling. And once she caught it, she fell several feet into Klaus' accepting arms.
Klaus put his hand on her shoulder. It's startled her.
"Are you ready to go?"
"Yah... sorry haha." Ora stood up and followed Klaus out her front door.
Once they got in her car Klaus just sat there instead of starting the car.
"Are you okay?" Ora looked at the side of his face.
"Yah. Everything is perfect." Klaus smiled awkwardly at Ora and held her hand. He brought it up to his face kissed her knuckles slowly. Then once he set her hand back down over lap, he started the car and drove off quickly.The red and blue car pulled up to a firework stand. Both Ora and Klaus got out of the car and walked up to the stand.
"Your budget is $100, get whatever you want." Klaus handed her a ready dollar bill from his pocket.
"Wait, I ca-" Klaus shushed her walked to his car. He blasted music as he waited for her to pick out some fireworks.
Ora looked at the clerk waiting patiently for Ora to say something.
"Um can I have a huge box of firecrackers and a huge box of artillery shells... and a few large fountains."
The clerk grabbed her requested items without commentary. He had large arms and a black rugged shirt. His goatee reached down to his chest, which made up for the lack of hair on his head.
"That will be $96."
Ora handed him the money and walked quickly to Klaus' car with the fireworks.The next stop was to a concession stand near the city mall. This particular stand sold snow cones, one of Ora's favorites.
"What flavor?"
"Hmm... I will have peach flavored." Ora said shyly.
Klaus turned to the concession clerk and ordered a peach snow cone and cherry snow cone for himself. It was a hot day and Klaus plan for a day out with Ora was perfectly planned. Snow comes were just what Ora was craving.The time had past by quickly as Ora and Klaus made multiple luxury errands. Klaus finally drove up to a large hill at the foot of the city. He parked where the perfect lookout was in view. Ora slid back comfortably in her seat and took in the view. She turned her head slightly to see Klaus staring at her. Instead of grabbing her hand, he set his hand on her leg.
"I love you." Klaus had said it before but this time was different.
"I love you too." Ora said as she paid extra attention to the features of his face. He had a very long nose and a funky little smile. His brown hair had a funny way of curling slightly above his forehead, exposing his dark stubby eyebrows. His brown eyes were so intimidating, they almost scared Ora as she never knew what he was thinking when he looked at her.
The kissed for a long hour and Ora could feel her heart lift unto him.

RomanceFor as long as she could remember, Ora Style had an everlasting love for her friend, Niklaus Bruchec. As she starts to take action to gain his love, Niklaus will discover an unknown desire for Ora. COMPLETED NOVEL