Their conversation had to be about the most random things. Ora and Klaus talked about ice cream, then chameleons, and then about sci-fi movies. The conversation slowly started to lean towards how much of a pervert Klaus actually was. All this talking made the ride back to town so much faster.
When Klaus pulled up to Ora's house, she hesitated to open the car door. Ora took one last look at Klaus and kissed him longingly on the cheek. But they both refrained from any more commentary. Ora stepped out of the blue car with the red door and waved goodbye as Klaus drove away. It happened... just like that.
When Ora stepped through the front door she expected two worried older brothers to be awaiting her return, but instead she opened the door to find the atmosphere appearing as though she never left. When she figured her brothers wouldn't care that she was gone, she was surprised to find that they REALLY didn't care.
"What now?..." Ora mumbled to herself in the empty house and stood in front of the front door for several long minutes. She felt a sudden rush of exhaustion filter over her so she decided to go downstairs to her dark bedroom to take a nap in her cold bed.
Klaus, on the other hand, came home to an uneasy mother and an infuriated father. While Ora got lucky, Klaus' consequences caused his mind to change on the his mind about his actions the past few days.It wasn't until the next morning that Ora realized that school had ended while she was of joyriding and romancing with Klaus at his lake house. She missed all her finals, saying goodbye to all her friends, registration for her next classes, and her final report card. Worry and stress flushed Ora's face and made her very anxious. There really was no way she could makeup all that she had missed.
And despite what she would've expected, the only person Ora wanted to talk to was Klaus. And made no hesitation to call him on her phone. And yet again to her surprise, he didn't answer. Remembering what happened last time, it was difficult to convince herself not to go to see Klaus. She had a lot to catch up on, even though Ora was out of opportunities to do so, so Klaus not answering his phone made sense. He was probably busy. Maybe it was time she visited her best friend Percy.Percy Enclave was a rich girl from a very rich family. Her house was practically a mansion and she had literal maid, butler, and nurse service inside her house. Not to mention the gigantic grand staircase that was placed out on the gleaming white marble floor that caught your eye as you walked through the front door. Her house was four stories and a library took up most of one of them.
Ora stepped up onto Percy's front porch practically made of marble and buzzed the door bell. In immediate response Percy's butler, Carlos, opened the door. He was ironically young and quite handsome.
"Can I help you Miss Style?"
"Uh yah, is Percy home?" Ora asked awkwardly.
"One moment..." Carlos turned his head slightly and whispered to one of the maids appearing out the door to retrieve Percy from the kitchen.
Carlos stayed at the door with Ora and made awkward eye contact for what seemed like forever.

RomanceFor as long as she could remember, Ora Style had an everlasting love for her friend, Niklaus Bruchec. As she starts to take action to gain his love, Niklaus will discover an unknown desire for Ora. COMPLETED NOVEL