Chapter 1

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I rolled over on my bed as streams of light shone on my face through the sides of my window. I gathered my blanket and my favorite pillow closer to me and close my ey-

"Sleepyhead! Wake up!!!"

No. Not again. This is actually my everyday routine; I am forced to wake up. Oh by the way, he's my brother Kurt.

I remove the blanket on my face and turn to him.

"Why? It's Saturday and I don't have things to do and you're too early to piss me off? Get out!" I said.

He get his phone on his pocket, opened something and then gave it to me so I can see what it is.

"It's Monday! First day of school young lady, and it's already 9:00 in the morning to be exact." he said grinning.

"What! Why didn't you tell me earlier? Ugh." I said.

Before he started talking I ran on the bathroom and take a bath as fast as I could.

This has been my everyday life. Waking up annoyed because of my adorable but annoying brother. Goes to school, goes home, sleep and then repeat. My life is boring, I don't have circle of friends but I have a friend. Yes, a friend because he's a boy and he's my ONLY friend. He is Harry Asher, I didn't know how, why and when do we become friends because it was like eons ago.

Okay back to reality. I'm here in front of our classroom stuck between going in and not because I am thirty minutes late, but I decided to enter because I have no choice. I opened the door and my classmates stared at me.

"Uhm, hi?" I said waving my hands on them.

No one responded. So I decided to just sit on the back of the room when someone pulled my chair.

"Ahhh!" I shouted as I fell on the ground.

"Hahaha. Poor little stupid girl." They said in chorus.

OKAY THIS DAY IS JUST GETTING STARTED AND IT'S GETTING WORSE. I'm about to stand up when I saw a guy in front of me.

"Need some help?" he said.

"No thanks. I can manage." I said.

I stood up but my feet really hurts that's why I landed on the floor. AGAIN. Butt first. OUCH.

"You really need help." and he offer his hands to me so he can help me to stand.

"Thanks." then I smiled at him.

"Be careful next time okay?" he said and then left me.

Then after a few minutes the professor enter the room and the whole class became quiet.

"Good morning class! I'm your math professor, Albert Dimagiba. We will be together for the whole semester okay? Nice to see you all guys. Have a nice day ahead. That's all, class dismissed."

Okay, he's my favorite professor.

It's been twenty minutes and I'm still walking around the campus because I can't find the canteen.

"This school is really big." I sigh.

"Yes it is. By the way Gabriel Lutter at your service."

Then I saw a good looking boy with brown eyes standing in front of me like a soldier and then he suddenly blocks my way. The boy who helped me earlier.

"I just want to ask your name, pretty lady." he continues.

"Sorry, but I don't give information to someone I don't know." then I walked away to continue finding the canteen.

Ugh this day really sucks. He's annoying like my brother.

"Hey hey, but I helped you earlier and we're classmates and I'm not a stranger and I already told you my name, so can you tell me yours?" he utterly said while following me.

"Can you please leave me alone?" I said with my most serious tone.

"No. Until you tell me your name." he said with a big smile.

Because I'm hungry and annoyed at the same time because of this boy, I punched him.

"Aw, why did you do that?!" he said while holding his face.

"I warned you." I said before I leave.

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