Chapter 8

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Two weeks have passed and I was dismissed on the hospital. The doctor said I should have some bed rest so my body won't be forced. I went straight on my room because I don't want them to see me slowly being weak.

I sat on the side of my bed and then saw a paper heart.

     You should live, live your life to the fullest Sam, because you're only young once.

RB : )

I don't want to hold on to things because everything is temporary. Everything will change, everyone will leave me, and just like me I will leave them soon.

I was in the middle of drowning on my thoughts when someone knocks on the door.

"Come in." I said.

"Hi?" he said.

I looked at him and said, "Who are you?"

"I'm RB, Reu Buenavente for long." He said smiling.

The way he smiles at me, it's like I'm melting.

"How--" he didn't let me finish what I'm saying.

"I know you're very confused. I'll explain everything. First, I'm the bestfriend of your brother, Kurt. Second, I fell in love with you the first time I saw you and hear you sing. I know it's kind of weird to say this to you but yes, it happened. Call it love at first sight, I don't care, it's true. Third, I'm also your secret admirer, stalker and the like. Fourth, I'm the one who is giving you bunch of corny paper hearts with drawings on it. Okay, I know I'm not a good artist but hey, A+ for effort right? And I draw all the things happened on that day that's why the drawing we're a little bit corny. Fifth, I am also the one who takes you home when you breakdown." He's so talkative; he doesn't let me say anything.

"Hey, are you okay?" he added.

"Yes I'm okay. Thank you for always being there for me. But why are you doing all those things?" I ask.

"It's because I like you. Oh let me replace that, I love you." He sincerely said.

It surprises me – surprised me still that he is the first one to say it. It's like I was innocent again on hearing those three words.

"It's okay if you don't have any response. I know I'm fast. Sorry." He said.

"It's okay."

"Uhm, so friends?" then he offer his hands to me.

"Friends." I grab his hand as a sign of accepting our friendship.

"By the way, if you live your life being worried about what's going to happen next, just don't. You're just going to miss all the wonderful things that are right in front of you." He said while smiling.

"Thank you, but I don't want to live anymore. I don't have the reason to live here anymore. I'm just nothing, just waiting for my time. That is what God wants; he wants me to die because I am no one that's why I don't believe in him anymore." I said not facing him.

"Don't say that Sam. Everything happens for a reason. Maybe God wants you to learn a thing but he doesn't want you to suffer from this just because he wants. Maybe a wisdom to be gained and a gratitude to be given. We don't know." He said, trying to convince me.

"If that's what you believe in, okay." I said sarcastically.

"Okay, thanks for listening. I hope you'll remember all the good things God just did for you. So see you next time. Be brave Sam. I know everything will be worth it in the end." He said and then leaves me.

" He said and then leaves me

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Months have passed, my hair was so few, I'm a skinny girl now, and spots on my skin were so many because leukemia has gotten into me. I can't also stand because I am so weak. The doctor we're injecting me some morphine every day to lessen the pain I am feeling. Kurt was always trying his best to make me smile and so are my mom and dad. Reu keeps on visiting me and checking if I'm okay, and still gives me paper hearts so I can remember all the thing God gave me and to give me hope and sometimes for telling me how he feels for me every single day. But still I am pushing them all away because I don't want them to get really hurt when I die. At least if I push them away they will not get too attached to me so they can easily let go of me when my time comes.

I become a total jerk for the past few months; I didn't take my meds, I just throw everything on the trash. I don't entertain people, I'm always screaming on mom and dad, it's like they are just my maid. I also say bad words on them and I know and I can feel that mom, dad and Kurt are also so depressed on everything I do but they are still patient and ready to take good care of me no matter what.

The doctor said that I only have three months to live. I don't know why they keep on telling me that, I just get so irritated. I'm also at the hospital these past few months because I was vomiting blood and having an internal bleeding.

"Are you okay?" said the doctor.

"Do I look like I'm okay? Stop asking me. Stupid!" I said.

"Samantha! Stop it." Mom said.

"And why? I'm dying I can do all I want. Stop telling me like you're the one who owns my life." Then I glared on her.

"That's too much Samantha!" Kurt said.

"Blah blah blah, stop please. Just leave me here." I said.

"Yes, maybe that's the right thing to do. Just call us if you need something, okay?" dad said.

After an hour, Reu arrived.

"How are you?" he asks.


"There's a miracle Sam, if you only believe." He said.

"Stop telling me those things, you are not a God or something. Oh, there's no God I forgot."

"Samantha, please listen to us. Just hold on. Everything will be better." He said.

"Can you just please leave me?" I said and then glared at him.


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