Chapter 2

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This week seems strange for me. First, because I didn't saw my best friend, Harry. Second, because that Gabriel boy didn't leave me and I really don't know why he always wants to annoy and make fool of me. Third, we have a project and unfortunately my partner is Gab and I don't know if I can survive the whole week not getting annoyed.

I went to our school's mini park to refresh my mind and to breath. I sat on the swing and put my earphones on and take a nap for a while... when someone pulled the swing.

"Oh what the!" I said. And I was surprised when I saw who did that.

"I'm sorry, Sammy." said Gab.

"I said don't you ever call me Sammy." I stand up and grab my things and was about to leave when he grab my hand.

"I'm here for our project not to annoy you." he explained.

"Okay just send me an email about your suggestions or recommendations because I have some important things to do." I said.

"Can you please just stay for a while?" he pleaded.

"Just wait a minute. I got a call." I get my phone on my pocket and try to make a fake call.

"Hello? Yes? Oh... wait a minute. Yeah? Where? Okay wait fo--" My fake call and my plan was ruined when my phone rang. Oh my gosh. For real??

"Uhm hello?" I said but no one answered. I looked at Gab and he's staring at me while holding his phone. I try to look at my phone and saw Gab's name. Uh-oh. I'm doomed.

"Gotcha." He said. "Why did you keep on rejecting me and you keep on running away from me?" he added.

A moment of silence...Then I don't know but I'm laughing so hard. I found myself rolling on the grass, holding my stomach and trying to stop myself from this craziness. Ugh this stupid boy is so assuming.

"Hey Samantha Fontanilla! Did I say something funny?!" he's voice was serious but I just looked at him and started laughing again.

"Hey Sam! Sammy!" he added.

I looked at him and I can tell he's somehow annoyed.

"It's just that... Hahahaha! You're haha funny! Stop acting like you're my boyfriend." then I sat on the grass and calmed myself.

"Are you insane?" he asked.

"No I'm not! You are." I said.

"Look, let's just stop arguing okay? Let's finish this."

"Okay. I'm sorry." I went on the swing and sat there again. "Let's get started. What song are we going to perform?" I ask.

"Here's a list of songs, just pick one." and then he gave me a piece of paper.

I looked at it and says, "Can you give me a copy of songs so I can listen it at home?" I ask then he gave me his flash drive.

"Okay. Bye!" I said and then I stand up so I can grab my things and leave.

I went home and opened my laptop to listen on the list of songs that Gab gave. But there's something that caught my attention. There's a folder named Sammy on the flash drive, and because I'm so curious I opened it and saw a bunch of my photos, and all of it was stolen shots. Then I saw one photo when I was on a swing before Gab came.

While I was browsing more photos my phone suddenly rang and I saw Gab's name.

"Uhm Hello? Sammy? Are you there? Did you open the flash drive already? Uhm, can I get it tomorrow? Because I have something to get there? " he said.

"Yes" I replied.

"Uhm, Are you sure you didn't opened it?" he asked again and I can tell that he trembles thru his voice.

"Yes I'm sure." Then I hang up the phone not waiting for him to respond.

Then I look again on the photos that Gab captured and I can see that his shots were good. But on the other hand, I got irritated of what he'd done on taking shots of me unknowingly.

After browsing it I closed the folder and start picking songs that we will perform. And there's one song that caught my attention, it was Dear No One by Tori Kelly. I appreciate every word on the lyrics. It was my first time to listen to this song but it feels like I've known this for a long time. It was like it's meant for me, it speaks to my soul.

After listening to the song many times I didn't notice that I fell asleep.

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