Chapter 9

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I opened my eyes slowly. Am I dead? Then someone poked me.

"Hey Sam? Are you alright?" I can't identify him because my eyes were blurry.

"Little sis? Does it hurt? Are you okay?" I can tell its Kurt.

"I'm fine." I tried my best to speak even if my voice slurred.

"She's fine, she's fine!"

"Oh thank you Lord for granting our prayers!"

I can hear them thanking God for granting their wish and because I'm fine. After a minute I saw all of them smiling widely at me.

"Samantha, you're back!" Reu said and then hugged me.

"Oh my gosh! After a long week of crying you're back!" He added and then hugged me so tight I can't breathe.

"Epp! Stop it you gay!" I said.

"Hey, I'm not a gay. Do you want me to kiss you huh?" he grins.

"Stop it, both of you. Hello little sis. I miss you so much!" Then Kurt kissed me on my forehead.

"That should be me!" said Reu like a kid.

"Shh, you two just leave Samantha. She's just recovering okay?" mom said.

Then the doctor came.

"What a nice day to all of you. I don't know how did happen but a miracle just happened. Samantha is free from cancer." The doctor said while smiling on me widely.

"I can't believe it just happened Sam, you have a mission here on Earth that's why God doesn't let you die. Just take a rest for a few weeks Samantha and everything will fall back right into place." Then the doctor winks at me.

I feel so relieved. This can't be. God thank you so much! Thank you for granting my prayer. I'm really sorry. I swear I will do anything to be back on your arms again. Thank you.

I'm crying again, not because something hurts but because everything is okay now.

            I'm crying again, not because something hurts but because everything is okay now

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Months have passed since I was dismissed at the hospital. I feel so strong again and my hair started to grow again.

We just arrived home and everyone welcomed me. I want to thank every one of them. So I started with mom and dad...

"Mom and dad, thank you so much for not leaving me. Thank you so much for always being there for me through good times and bad. I'm so sorry for all the hardships I did on the both of you. I'm really sorry for saying bad things to you. I'm so sorry because I didn't listen to both of you. Thank you so much! I love you mom! I love you dad." Then I went towards the two of them and hugged them so tight.

"That is because we love you sweetie." Mom said.

"We will always be here for you no matter what." Dad said.

"Second, I want to thank you, Kurt. I know you're not showy but I saw how you cry for me. You're such a gay forever." Then I wink at him and laugh. "I know you will always be there for me because you're my bro and I'm your little sis. I have missed a lot kuya, I love you so much!!" then I kissed him on his cheeks.

"You're gross Sam, stop it." He said.

"I know how you miss me. Stop joking!" and then I laugh.

"I know." Then he pats me on my head and hugged me tight.

"And last but definitely not the least, I want to thank you Reu for being there for me, for giving me hope even if I am losing every single piece of it, for telling me you love me. Thank you for not leaving me in spite of all the things I've done. I don't want to believe in love again after I have fallen badly in love with a jerk but you give me hope in everything. You've waited for me for so long, I know that. Kurt tells me everything." Then I looked at Kurt and winks at him again. "Maybe you've known me for a long time and you know all of my flaws but you don't know one thing." I added.

"What thing?" he ask.

"How I've fallen in love on you while reading those corny paper hearts you used to put on the locker." I said while smiling on him.

"For real?" he said. His face looks so confused and at the same time so happy.

"Yes." Then I went towards him and hugged him so tight. "Thanks for not leaving me, Reu."

"I will always be there for you, no matter what. It is because I love you so much." He said.

"Even if I look like this?" I said while pointing on my head and my skinny face.

"Yes of course, you think you're not pretty but someone is wishing to be prettier as you. I love you, Samantha."

"I love you too, Reu." I said.

Then our lips met. Our world was revolving slowly. Eyes closed and then heartbeat we're measured.

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